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According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's regulations, international short-term students (staying in Taiwan for more than 3 months and less than 6 months; non-degree students) must submit the Health Certificate for Short-Term Students before arriving in Taiwan or within 14 days after their arrival.

Examination Items

The examination items include:
1. Antibody tests for Measles and Rubella (not required if you have the vaccination certificates).
2. Chest X-ray Exam for Tuberculosis: done within 3 months.

Please note that the Health Certificate for Short-Term Students must be authenticated by ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Mission in their home countries. Before authentication, the documents may need to be notarized by the local government or public notary or authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your home country first. Please contact the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Mission in their home countries for more details.

Alternative option (after arrival in Taiwan)

To avoid all the inconveniences of document authentication, CGU OIA can arrange the examination for you. The examination fee is NT$ 822 for fall semester(at CGU campus) or NT$ 1,172 for spring semester (in hospital). If you decide to do the examinations in Taiwan, kindly notify us by filling out the Google form.

For more information, please visit Center for Disease Control, R.O.C. or see FAQs.