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CGU welcomes students who are currently enrolled at a university with which CGU has a valid student exchange agreement. The students need to be officially nominated by their home university to apply for the exchange program. Each home university has its own selection procedure. To learn more about how to participate in an exchange program, please contact your home university first.


Schedule of Events Deadlines (Taiwan Standard Time)
(Semester 1 / Full year intake)
(Semester 2 intake)
Nomination March 31 September 30
Application April 30 October 31
Admission Permit by mid-June by mid-December
Suggested arrival and
orientation dates
one week before the semester starts
Semester starts early September mid-February
Course selection The first two weeks after the semester starts (until 5 PM on the last Friday)
  • Fall semester: begins in early-September and ends in mid-January
  • Spring semester: begins in mid-February and ends in mid-June

Application Procedures

1. For university coordinators

Please fill out the nomination sheet.

2. For students
  1. Make sure you are nominated by home university.
  2. Fill out the application form.
  3. Check your email to see if you receive the application form (PDF).
  4. Forward the email you received to the Office of International Affairs ( along with the signed application form and the below documents (in PDF or jpg format)

Required Documents

Documents Notes
Application Form
Housing Application
Male Students, Female Students
For more information on the CGU dormitory, please visit here.
One Photo --
Passport Copy
(Bio page)
Official Transcript Submit an English version of a transcript from your home university.
Nomination by Home Institution Coordinator Please make sure you have been nominated by your home university coordinator.
Study Plan
Please describing your academic and personal goals for exchange program.
Financial Statement A financial statement or a bank deposit statement should be submitted verifying that you or your family have at least NT$ 50,000 per semester.
*not required for the research project or internship
English Proficiency Certificate English proficiency is TOEIC 600 or equivalent. This requirement is waived for the applicants under the following circumstances:
  1. Applicants who study English-taught program at the home university.
  2. Applicants who come from countries where English is the official language.


  1. Tuition fees: based on the agreement signed by both universities.
  2. Student Safety Insurance (semester program only): exchange students are encouraged to join CGU’s student safety insurance. The fee is approximately NT$200-300 per semester.
  3. Living expenses: about NT$7,000-10,000 per month.

Health Insurance

  1. Exchange students to CGU are required to purchase Health and Accident insurance (covering NT$1,000,000, approx. US$36,000) in home country or in Taiwan, which covers the entire period of the stay in CGU and in Taiwan. Proof of Health and Accident insurance is required upon registration.
  2. Optional: upon registration at CGU, students may choose to be part of the Student Safety Insurance, the fee is NT$230 per semester.