113-1 期中停修公告 (10/28~11/22)
點閱 : 748
113-1 期中停修 (10/28~11/22)
★ 113-1 申請時間:113/10/28 ~ 113/11/22★ 申請系統:Flow 系統 (線上核簽系統)
Ⓥ 老師端審核:
請老師先登入【線上核簽管理系統 = Flow 系統】。原則上進入系統後,就能直接看到個人待辦事項,請老師有空時查看事項,是否有學生的停修申請單。 再麻煩老師審查,是否同意該生停修。
Ⓥ 學生端申請:
1. 停修不等同退選,成績單上仍會註明停修,但不影響成績、操性、缺曠課記錄(不記)。
2. 一學期只能停修一門,且下學期無法申請獎學金。
3. 扣除停修課程之學分後,當學期修課總學分仍需符合選課最低下限學分。
★ 113-1 Application Period:113/10/28 ~ 113/11/22
★ Application System: Flow System
The application period :9th to 12th week of each semester.
Ⓥ Teacher's Review:
Teachers should login to the Flow System first. In principle, after entering the system, you can directly see the personal to-do list, please check the items when you have time to check whether there is a student's withdrawal application form. Teachers are asked to check whether they agree with the student's withdrawal or not.
Ⓥ Student Application:
Please see the attachment for more information.