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To strive for excellence, one must know how to acquire knowledge, how to reason and sort out information, how to speak, write, and present, how to be both faithful, and morally decent, yet brave, and finally, how to integrate knowledge and translate knowledge into wise action. Higher education can not teach all those skills and attributes to students, but they can learn them. The role of the higher education is to inspire and ask questions that lead students to learn and so, to excel.
Students choose CGU because they want to have a rewarding college experience that will have the greatest meaning to their future life. Each day, CGU is shaping her students with 1500 courses, 18 majors, and 26 interdisciplinary graduate programs that expand throughout the colleges of Medicine, Engineering and Management.
CGU expects her graduates to be diligent, persistent, frugal, and trustworthy.

Dean of Academic Affairs
Ya-Ju Chang, Ph.D
