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    一、校區交通車(汎航通運):春節時間1月26日(日)~1月31日(五)調整發車班次(如附件)。 二、校區外租車(藍色大巴及白色小巴):春節期間:1月26日(日)~1月31日(五)停駛。 三、如另有交通往來需求,請多加利用繞行校區之大眾交通運輸。 附件-114年春節假期長庚區間車過年班車時刻表 公告單位:總務處事務組 承辦人:黃瀚霄 聯絡分機:409-3206

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  • 2025


    【Information Forwarding】 Online Questionnaire Survey by the National Academy for Educational Research

    Survey on the Willingness of Overseas Chinese and International Doctoral Students / Doctoral Degree Holders to Teach at Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan To whom it may concern, I am an Assistant Professor Chen-Wei Chang from the Department of Education at National Taiwan Normal University. I am currently conducting a research project, funded by the National Academy for Educational Research, titled "A Study on the Reform of Teachers' and researchers' Salary Systems in Higher Education from an International Perspective." This survey aims to understand the willingness and key considerations of overseas Chinese and international PhD students in Taiwan regarding employment in Taiwan after graduation. This survey is anonymous, and its participants are overseas Chinese or international doctoral students / doctoral degree holders studying in Taiwan. The questionnaire data collected for this research will be retained until five years after the completion of the research ethics review, with destruction scheduled by August 31, 2031. Even after submitting the data, you may contact the research team at any time to request the withdrawal of your participation data from the survey. The survey consists of seven sections, with a total of 58-61 questions, which should take approximately 12 to 15 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate your time and effort in responding. If you have any questions regarding this study or are interested in receiving the results, please feel free to contact us using the information below. Researcher: Dr. Chen-Wei Chang Research Assistant: Yu-Hsuan Yu / tel.: 0911-916707 / email address: 61200024E@ntnu.edu.tw This research will be conducted in accordance with the approved plan. Should any adverse events or damages occur as a result of participation in this study, National Taiwan Normal University will assume liability for compensation. If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding research ethics, you are welcome to file a complaint with the Research Ethics Review Committee of National Taiwan Normal University through the following contact information: Research Ethics Committee, National Taiwan Normal University / Phone: +886-2-77491903 / Email: ntnurec@ntnu.edu.tw 問卷網址|Survey website https://naer.surveycake.biz/s/wewyl QR code QR code

  • 2025



    春節假期將至🧨,僑生注意假期安全⚠️,避免進出危險場域⛔。 為避免交通意外事故🚑發生,請務必遵守交通規則🚥,避免憾事發生。 相關文宣及影片可上交通安全入口網下載運用(網址 https://168.motc.gov.tw/) 另為防堵非洲豬瘟,請注意入境臺灣時切勿❌任意攜帶肉類、蔬果、鮮奶等動植物產品,違者最高可罰新台幣100萬 更多內容請看👉https://asf.aphia.gov.tw

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    【學務處生活輔導組-校外經費公告】114年春節期間學生宿舍封舍時間及相關注意事項 114年春節期間學生宿舍封舍時間及相關注意事項如下: 一、封舍時間:114年1月24日(五)中午1200時 二、開舍時間:114年2月2日(日)下午1600時 三、注意事項: 1.全體住宿生請於1月24日中午12時前離開宿舍。 2.住宿生離開宿舍前,請務必將所有電源關閉(如小冰箱等)並清空寢室內之食物、飲料。 3.封舍期間(1月24日1200時–2月2日1600時),宿舍管理員亦無法開啟任何出入口之大門,請同學務必將個人貴重物品及重要文件帶離宿舍。 公告單位:學務處生活輔導組-校外經費 承辦人:張世吾 聯絡分機:409-2054 一、The Dormitories will be closed at 12:00pm‚ January 24‚ 2025. 二、The Dormitories will reopen at 16:00pm‚ February 02‚ 2025. 三、.Attention: 1.All students must leave the room before 12:00pm January 24‚ 2025 2. Before leaving the dormitory, please be sure to turn off all power (such as small refrigerator) and empty food and beverages in the bedroom. 3.During the closed period(1/24 12:00–2/2 16:00).the dormitory administrator can not open any entrance or exit door. Students must take your valuables and important documents out of the dormitory. Contact person:Chang.shihwu Contact number:409-2054

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  • 2024



    ▍小心勞保詐騙 近期有不法人士假冒勞工保險局人員,謊稱你的個人資料遭冒用,並以此為由誤導你加入通訊軟體與假冒的警察聯繫,要求提供存款帳戶或匯款 請注意!這是詐騙手法! 政府機關絕不會透過電話要求要求操作ATM。若接到可疑電話,請立即掛斷,並撥打165反詐騙專線或1955專線尋求協助! 英文版 ▍Be on the lookout for labor insurance scams Recently, unscrupulous persons have been contacting labor insurance holders and pretending to be from the Bureau of Labor Insurance. During such interactions, they tell individuals that their personal information has been stolen and ask them to contact other members of their scam gang posing as police officers using a particular information software, where they are asked to provide their bank account number or remit money. Be aware, any such requests are a scam. Government agencies never phone individualsand ask them to make money transfers using an ATM. If you receive a suspicious telephone call immediately hang up and call the 165 Anti-fraud Hotlineor 1955 hotline to seek assistance. 印尼文版 ▍Waspadai Penipuan Berkedok Asuransi Tenaga Kerja! Baru-baru ini, oknum tidak bertanggung jawab yang menyamar sebagai petugas Asuransi Tenaga Kerja menyebarkan informasi palsu bahwa data pribadi Anda telah disalahgunakan. Mereka akan mengarahkan Anda untuk bergabung dengan software telekomunikasi dan menghubungi "oknum polisi" palsu. Selanjutnya, Anda akan diminta untuk memberikan informasi rekening bank atau bahkan mentransfer sejumlah uang. Harap perhatiannya! Ini adalah modus penipuan! Instansi pemerintah tidak akan pernah meminta Anda untuk melakukan transaksi ATMmelalui telepon. Jika Anda menerima telepon mencurigakan, segera tutup dan hubungi hotline anti-penipuan di 165 atau hotline 1955 untuk mencari bantuan! 越南文版 ▍Cảnh giác thủ đoạn lừa đảo về bảo hiểm lao động Gần đây, có người đã giả danh nhân viên Cục Bảo hiểm Lao động, nói rằng thông tin cá nhân của bạn đã bị sử dụng gian lận , lấy đó làm cớ để lừa bạn tham gia ứng dụng nhắn tin và liên hệ với công an giả mạo , yêu cầu cung cấp tài khoản tiền gửi hoặc chuyển tiền. Xin lưu ý! Đây là chiêu trò lừa đảo! Các cơ quan chính phủ sẽ không bao giờ yêu cầu thao tác ATM qua điện thoại. Nếu nhận được cuộc gọi khả nghi, hãy lập tức cúp máy và gọi tới đường dây nóng chống lừa đảo 165 hoặc đường dây nóng 1955 để được hỗ trợ! 泰文版 ▍ระวังมิจฉาชีพหลอกเรื่องประกันภัยแรงงาน ระยะนี้พบมิจฉาชีพปลอมตัวเป็นเจ้าหน้าที่กรมประกันภัยแรงงาน อ้างว่า ข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของท่านรั่วไหลถูกแอบใช้  พร้อมใช้เหตุผลนี้ หลอกให้เข้าร่วมแอปฯที่ใช้ติดต่อกับเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจปลอม จากนั้น ขอหมายเลขบัญชีธนาคารหรือให้โอนเงิน โปรดระวัง!นี่คือกลลวงของมิจฉาชีพ! หน่วยงานราชการจะไม่โทรศัพท์ติดต่อประชาชนให้ไปทำธุรกรรมผ่านตู้ ATM หากได้รับโทรศัพท์ที่มีพิรุธ โปรดวางสายทันทีและรีบโทรขอความช่วยเหลือจาก สายด่วนป้องกันมิจฉชีพ 165 หรือสายด่วน 1955!
