推薦提前畢業優秀學生進入台塑企業任職作業,即日起受理申請至2月28日止。 Recommendation for outstanding early graduation students to enter the Formosa Plastics Corporation, application is open until 28 February 2025.
(一)符合資格者,務必至台塑人才招募網頁填寫履歷網址: http://crm2.fpg.com.tw/j2hr2p/home/IndexHomeController.do?sendRedirectProcess=pureSendRedirect並將登錄完成之履歷畫面截圖,上傳至https://forms.office.com/r/0kkqB0r9Nu。
● According to the recommendations for outstanding fresh graduates to enter Formosa Plastics Enterprises policy.
● Requirement:
Only for nationals of the Republic of China, the United States, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc., or Chinese students who graduated from our university, the English proficiency of the undergraduate degree required a TOEIC score of 600 (inclusive) or above; the English proficiency of the master's degree required a TOEIC score of 650 (inclusive) or above; and the English proficiency of the doctoral degree required a TOEIC score of 700 (inclusive) or other equivalent language test results.
● The graduation score fits one of the conditions below:
1. The undergraduate degree is required for the top 25% of the class; the graduate degree is necessary for the top 50%.
2. Economically weaker: fit in one of the conditions below, and the undergraduate students are ranked in the top 50% of the class or graduates are ranked in the top 60% of the graduate program.
(1) Students from low-income families.
(2) Students from low- and middle-income families.
(3) Students with disabilities or students of parents with disabilities.
(4) Students with grandparents have special situations.
(5) Aboriginal students.
(6) Students who have received the Ministry of Education’s Financial Aid Program.
● Application period: from now until 28 February 2025.
●Application process:
1. Fill up your resume on the Formosa Plastics recruitment website: http://crm2.fpg.com.tw/j2hr2p/home/IndexHomeController.do?sendRedirectProcess=pureSendRedirect Take a screenshot and upload it to https://forms.office.com/r/0kkqB0r9Nu.
2. Log in to iCGU and apply the "Recommendation for Outstanding Graduation Students to Enter the Formosa Plastics Corporation "(the login path is below the attachment), upload supporting files (certificates of language proficiency, transcripts, academic certificates, etc.), and select a recommended professor.
3. The system will send your application to your selected professor, the dean of each department for preliminary review, and the recommendation panel of each department for review.
4. After passing the reexamination, the Career Services, Overseas Chinese, and Foreign Students Advising Section will collect the recommendation list and submit it to the principal for approval. The list will be used as a reference for Formosa Plastics Corporation’s recruitment.
【ENG】System path