Mail Handling
Mail Status
Office Hours
Contact Number
First Medical Building 2F
Mail Room
Q1: How to pick up your letter? |
◾For Students: ◦If mail or packages are addressed with the dormitory building (e.g., Yunde Building, Jude Building, Mingde Building), they will be delivered to each building and collected by the dormitory supervisor, who will notify the recipient. ◦If registered, time-sensitive registered mail, packages, or freight are not addressed with the dormitory building, they will be collected by the Mailroom, and an email notification will be sent for collection at the mailroom. ◦Packages and registered mail are only kept for two weeks. After this period, they will be returned to the post office, so students should check their school email regularly. ◦Regular and time-sensitive mail will be handled daily and placed in the "Hundred Family Surnames" or class mailboxes on the second floor of the Activity Center for self-collection. ◦Mail is dispatched daily before 15:00. ◦Dormitory supervisors can collect mail between 08:00 and 24:00. ◦The Mailroom mail collection service is available on business days from 08:30 to 17:00. For any issues with mail, please contact Mailroom at ext. 5506. ◾For Faculty and Staff: ◦Registered mail, time-sensitive registered mail, packages, and freight will be collected and registered by the Mailroom mail handlers, and notifications will be sent via email for collection. ◦Packages and registered mail are only kept for two weeks. After this period, they will be returned to the post office. Faculty and staff should check their email daily to avoid missing important mail. ◦Regular and time-sensitive mail will be handled daily and placed in the Mailroom mailboxes for self-collection or distributed by document couriers. ◦Mail is dispatched daily before 15:00. ◦The Mailroom mail collection service is available on business days from 08:30 to 17:00. ◾Reminders: ◦Regularly check your personal email and inform the Mailroom of any changes. ◦Provide your English name for prompt notification of English correspondence. Present your ID for verification when collecting mail. For any issues, please contact Mailroom ext. 5506 |
Q2: How Should Sender Address Mail or Packages Sent to Students? |
Please address it to (33302) No. 259, Wenhua 1st Road, Guishan District, Taoyuan City (For student mail please add dormitory building and room number) |
Q3: How does the Mail Handling manage mail that has not been retrieved by the recipient after it has expired? |
◾Regular and Time-sensitive Mail: If not collected within one month from the date of receipt, it will be returned to the sender. ◾Registered Mail, Time-sensitive Registered Mail, Packages, and Express Delivery: If not collected within two weeks from the notification date, it will be returned to the sender. |
Q4: How can I confirm if my mail has been delivered? |
◾For registered mail, time-sensitive registered mail, packages, and express deliveries, please check the link below ◾For regular mail, please check the "Hundred Family Surnames" mailbox on the second floor of the Student Activity Center. |
Q5: Should I Inform the Mail Handlers of Changes to My Email? |
It is advisable to inform them to ensure you do not miss important mail. If you have an English name, please also inform the Mailroom mail handlers. |
Q6: How to Send Official Mail? |
Please refer to the workflow (Attachment 1). |
Q7: How to Send DHL Packages? |
Please refer to the workflow (Attachment 2). |