邱文科 Wen-Ko Chiou
現職:教授 Professor
LAB:人因工程實驗室 Ergonomics Design Lab
- 產後情緒障礙理論融入PE+UX用以設計與驗證
- 臉部2D照片與3D掃描人體計測的轉換平台開發與應用
- 聽力防護具合身使用的3D內外耳人體計測研究
- 動作控制人因方案對頸痛工作者使用電腦之成效研究
- 高齡者機能姿勢模擬研究與產品設計應用
- 生活型態因子EUIPP模式建構與高齡健康服務的應用驗證
- 擔任文物館館長推展企業文化與文化創意產業
- 執行經濟部技術處學界科專「智慧型高齡者照護用臨床醫材研發三年計畫」
- 執行經建會計畫「整合休閒、健康、養生及醫療之區域規劃及發展機制」
近五年陸續發表SCI/SSCI 期刊8篇、國內期刊1篇、國外研討會論文16篇;在專利成果方面:發明5件、新型1件;技術移轉金總計260萬元。這些成果可供跨領域設計研發、數位學習、遠距設計、人因產品設計、高齡產品設計、身心障礙者生活輔具設計等之應用。
- Chen H, Liu c, Cao X, Hong B, Huang DH, Liu CY, Chiou WK (2021). Effects of Loving-Kindness Meditation on Doctors' Mindfulness, Empathy, and Communication Skills. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 4033. (IF=3.390, 41/176).
- Liu C, Chen H, Liu CY, Lin RT, Chiou WK (2020). Cooperative and Individual Mandala Drawing Have Different Effects on Mindfulness, Spirituality, and Subjective Well-Being. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2629. (IF=2.990,42/140).
- Liu C, Chen H, Liu CY, Lin RT, Chiou WK. (2020). The effect of loving-kindness meditation on flight attendants’ spirituality, mindfulness and subjective well-being. In Healthcare 8(2):174. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. (IF=2.645, 40/88).
- Wang MH, Chen YL, Chiou WK (2019). Using the OVAKO working posture analysis system in cleaning occupations. Work, 64(3), 613-621. (IF=1.505, 140/176).
- Chen YL, Chiou WK, Tzeng YT, Lu CY, Chen SC (2017). A rating of perceived exertion scale using facial expressions for conveying exercise intensity for children and young adults. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(1), 66-69.(IF=4.319, 17/88).
- Wang MH, Lin JD, Chang CN, Chiou WK (2017). Acromegaly determination using discriminant analysis of the three-dimensional facial classification in Taiwanese. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 38(4). (IF=0.765, 264/273).
- Chiou WK, Chen ST, Liu FH, Chen CN, Wang MH, Lin JD (2016). The impact of diabetes mellitus on the survival of patients with acromegaly. Endokrynologia Polska, 67(5), 501-506. (IF=1.582, 134/145).
- Chen JY, Chiou WK, Chou WY, Lin JD (2016). The impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on mortality in hospitalized female cancer patients in Taiwan. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 12(1), e75-e81. (IF=2.601, 199/242).
- Huang DH, Chou SW, Chen YL, Chiou WK (2015). Facial expression of effort: frowning and jaw clenching muscle activity reflects effort perception during incremental workload cycling. Submitted toJournal of Sports Science and Medicine (IF=0.898, 56/81).
- Huang DH, Chou SW, Chen YL, Chiou WK (2015). Facial expression of effort: frowning and jaw clenching muscle activity reflects effort perception during incremental workload cycling. Submitted toJournal of Sports Science and Medicine (IF=0.898, 56/81).
- Chiou WK, Chiu HT, Chao AS, Wang MH, Chen YL (2015). The influence of body weight on foot dimensions during pregnancy. Applied Ergonomics 46: 212-7. (IF=1.332, 3/16).
- Liu YC, Chiu S, Lin Y, Chiou WK (2014). Pictogram-based method of visualizing dietary intake. Methods of Information in Medicine 53(6): 493-500. (IF=1.083, 66/135).
- Chiu HP, Chiang HY, Liu CH, Wang MH, Chiou WK (2014). Surveying the comfort perception of the ergonomic design of bluetooth earphones. Work 49: 235-43. (IF=0.169, 143/143).
- Hsieh SH, Chiou WK, Wang MH, Lin JD (2014). Association of body weight with the risk of malignancies in hospitalized patients with or without diabetes mellitus in Taiwan. Journal of Investigation Medicine 62(1): 37-42. (IF=1.746, 51/151).
- Chen JY, Chiou WK, Chou WY, Lin JD (2013). The impact of type 2 DM in mortality of hospitalized female cancer patients in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology (IF=0.907, 178/196).
- Huang DH, Chiou WK (2013).Validation of a facial pictorial rating of perceived exertion scale for evaluating physical tasks. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 30(2): 125-31.
- Chen ST, Hsueh C, Chiou WK, Lin JD (2013). Disease specific mortality and secondary primary cancer in well differentiated thyroid cancer with type 2 DM. PLOS ONE 8 (1): e55179. (IF=4.092, 12/85).
- Chiou WK, Hwang JS, Hsu KH, Lin JD (2012). Diabetes mellitus increased mortality rates more in gender-specific than in non-gender-specific cancer patients: a retrospective study of 149,491 patients. Experimental Diabetes Research (Accepted, IF=1.528, 68/106).
- Chiou WK, Huang DH, Wang MH, Lee YJ, Lin JD (2012). Significance and association of serum uric acid (UA) levels with components of metabolic syndrome (MS) in the elderly. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 55: 724-8 (IF=1.452, 30/45).
- Chiou WK, Chou WY, Chen BH (2012). Notebook computer use with different monitor tilt angle: effects on posture, muscle activity and discomfort of neck pain users. Work 41: 2591-5 (IF=0.521, 114/131).
- Lo CH, Yang CY, Lin PT, Hsieh KJ, Liu YC, Chiou WK (2012). Are human faces more attractive with glasses? Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 29: 125-35.
- Chiou WK, Huang BY, Chou WY, Weng HF, Lin JD (2011). Incidence of cancer in diabetic and non-diabetic hospitalized adult patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 12: 1577-81. (IF=0.659, 175/196).
- Yang CY, Peng CY, Liu YC, Chen WZ, Chiou WK (2011). Surface anthropometric indices in obesity-related metabolic diseases and cancers. Chang Gung Medical Journal 34(1): 1-21.
- Hsu KH, Chiu CC, Chiu HT, Chiu NH, Lee PC, Chiou WK, Liu TH, Juang YC, Hwang CH (2011). A case-based classifier for hypertension detection. Knowledge-Based Systems 24: 33–9 (IF=1.574, 44/108).
- Chiou WK, Chen BH, Chou WY (2011). The effects of landmarks and training on 3D surface anthropometric reliability and hip joint center prediction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6777 LNCS, 3-11.
- Chiou WY, Chen BH, Chiou WK (2011). The interaction effect of posture and psychological stress on neck-shoulder muscle activity in typing: A pilot study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6779 LNCS 22-9.
- Tsai TH, Chiou WK, Liao HY, Tseng TX (2011). Adopting user-centered design for the translating of barrier-free design codes/regulations. Communications in Computer and Information Science 173 CCIS (PART 1), 404-8.
- Yang CY, Lin PT, Lo CH, Chiou WK, Hsieh KJ, Liu YC (2011). Affective glasses frame design to enhance facial symmetry and attractiveness. Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on Computational Bioscience (CompBio 2011), 316-22.
- 科技部專利計畫主持人. (2017/8/1-2020/7/31). 產後情緒障礙理論融入PE+UX用以設計與驗證APP (1/3)(NARPD3G0201)
- 立欣工業股份有限公司專利計畫主持人. (2015/8/1-2016/7/31). 自成皮泡沫體應用於多功能防滑墊之開發設計(SCRPD3E0061)
- 科技部專利計畫主持人. (2015/8/1-2016/7/31). 臉部2D照片與3D掃瞄人體計測的轉換平台開發與應用:以臉型異常檢測為例(2/3)(NARPD3D0102)
- 科技部專利計畫主持人. (2014/8/1-2015/7/31). 臉部2D照片與3D掃瞄人體計測的轉換平台開發與應用:以臉型異常檢測為例(1/3)(NARPD3D0101)
- 科技部專利計畫主持人. (2014/8/1-2015/7/31). 聽力防護具合身使用的3D內外耳人體計測研究(3/3)(NARPD3B0233)
- 科技部專利計畫主持人. (2013/8/1~2014/7/31). 聽力防護具合身使用的3D內外耳人體計測研究(2/3)(NARPD3B0232)