Chih-Wei Yang, M.D. (楊智偉教授)

Tenure: 2011/08-2023/07

Employment Record:
1976-1983 Medical School, Taipei Medical University
2001-Present Professor, School of Medicine, Chang Gung University
2011/08-2023/07 Dean, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University
2018-Present Distinguished Professor, Chang Gung University
2021-Present Vice President, Chang Gung University

Fu-Chan Wei, M.D. (魏福全教授)

Tenure: 2003/08-2011/07

Employment Record:
1972 School of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University
1990-2020/09 Professor, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University 2003/08-2011/07 Dean, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University

Ying-Shiung Lee, M.D. (李英雄教授)

Tenure: 1998/07-2003/07

Employment Record:
1969 School of Medicine, National Taiwan University
1987-2005/01 Professor, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University
1995-2001 Chairman, Graduate Institutes of Clinical medicine, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University
1998/08-2003/07 Dean, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University

Delon Wu, M.D. (吳德朗教授)

Tenure: 1998/07-2003/07

Employment Record:
1966 School of Medicine, National Taiwan University
1987-1997 Chancellor, Chang Gung Medical College
1997-1999 Vice-president, Chang Gung University
1999-2000 Acting President, Chang Gung University
2000-2006 Chairman, Steering Committee, Chang Gung Medical Group (CEO)
2005-2011 President, Taiwan Hospital Association
Present- Top Advisor, Chang Gung Medical Foundation