
張瑋真 助理教授

張瑋真 Weichen Chang

現職:助理教授 Assistant Professor


領域:產品設計, 流行工藝, 設計美學, 文創商品開發, 生活型態研究, 關懷設計





  1. 東峰紡織設計顧問(Waytexgroup).
  2. 宏盛國際設計經理(HOLDING).
  3. 明基電通設計研究員(BenQ).
  4. 亞富國際設計師(International Flyer).
  5. 中華民國設計學會會員.
  6. 長庚大學智慧生活整合性人才培育特色大學計劃共同主持人.
  7. 長庚大學原鄉部落社會創新大學社會實踐計畫共同主持人.
  8. FRT 財團法人鞋類暨運動休閒科技研發中心 專題講師.
  9. 華岡興業基金會《時尚包包設計師養成班》專題講師.


  1. 2016指導學生 蔡庭瑋 (作品“易”) 參加 2016 第35 屆新一代設計展 榮獲產學交流 達達國際La new標竿團隊.
  2. 2016指導學生 明志科技大學學生 (作品“Triangus”) 參加 2016 第35 屆新一代設計展 榮獲產學交流 雄獅集團標竿團隊.
  3. 2015指導學生 朱韻璇 參加104年藝術與設計菁英海外培訓榮獲美國ACCD正取 Projects : Green Craft/ Graft Aesthics.


  1. Wei-Chen Chang, Ting-Wei Tsai (2018, Mar). Fashion illusions: The Hipster Production of Design Aesthetics. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies. MOST 104-2815-C-182-031-H.
  2. Ya-Juan Gao, Weichen Chang, Wen-Ting Fang and Rungtai Lin (2018, Jan). Acculturation in Human Culture Interaction - A Case Study of Culture Meaning in Cultural Product Design. Ergonomics International Journal, 2(1): 000135.
  3. Wei-Chen Chang, Ting-Wei Tsai (2017, Nov). Fashion illusions: The Hipster Culture of Fashion Consumption. Asian Journal of Social Sciences &Humanities(AJSSH)/ Japan. , Vol.6(4) . MOST 104-2815-C-182-031-H.
  4. Wei-Chen Chang, Akira Ueda, Shyh-Huei Hwang (2017, Oct). Developing Native Materials of the Green Craft Considering Sustainable Development. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Vol.5(5). MOST 103-2410-H-182-018.
  5. Wei-Chen Chang ; Ching-Ter Chang ; Yu-Cheng Pei ; Yi-Tyng Lin (2016, Oct). Discussion the Super-solitary Elder Cultural Phenomenon by Design Anthropology. International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC), Vol.4(10).
  6. Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Oct). Narrative Significance Applied in Cultural Product Design Education. Arts and Social Sciences Journal, Vol.6(4).
  7. Wei-Chen Chang (2014, Oct). Healing Accessories: Modern Craftsmanship Applied to Assistive Device Design. Journal of Modern Craft (A&HCI), October 2, 2014. (posted in Articles by Digital Editor.). https://journalofmoderncraft.com/articles/healing-accessories-modern-craftsmanship-applied-to-assistive-device-design.
  8. Wei-Chen Chang (2013, Dec). Cultural Aspects of Design Education: Cultural Creative Product Derived From Local Legend. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol.(1)2, pp39-50.
  9. Wei-Chen Chang (2013, Oct). Using Narrative Communication as a Tool for Cultural Products Planning: Conceptual, Theoretical and Model Building. Asian Journal of Business and Management(AJBM), Vol.1(5).
  10. Wei-Chen Chang (2013, Jul). District Resource: Culturally Creative Products Derived From a Local Legend. International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies (IJACDT), Vol.(4)1.
  11. Wei-Chen Chang(2011)。The story mapping method for Aboriginal culture product design -- a preliminary teaching experiment of design anthropology(一)。日本デザイン学会(JSSD)。


  1. Tsung-Chien Hsieh, Wei-Chen Chang (2019, Jun). Care Design : Perception Differences in Material Design Exploring for Physical and Virtual Prototypes. International Conference on Healthcare and Management(ICHM2019).
  2. Wei-Chen, Chang, Kai-Chu Li, Han-Chun Wang, Nabil Khelil (2018, Sep). “Medicine X Technology” Using Narrative Design for Healthcare Education and Practice. 4th International Conference on Health Care and Management (ICHM 2018). Session3 Chair.
  3. Wei-Chen, Chang (2018, Jul). Intelligent Manufacturing for Virtual Modelling with Human Emotional Responses. 2018 International Congress On Education And Learning, Paris.
  4. Wei-Chen, Chang, Yu-Cheng Pei (2018, Jun). Designing for Wearable Interactions-Exploring Care Design for Design Anthropology and Participatory Design. ICHE 2018:International Conference on Higher Education, PARIS. MOST 106-2410-H-182-017.
  5. Wei-Chen, Chang, Han-Chun Wang (2017, Feb). Green Life: Native Materials of the Green Design Considering Sustainable Development. 2017永續性產品與產業管理研討會,清華大學.
  6. Wei-Chen, Chang, Kang-Hsiu Chang Chien, Yi-Ting Chen, Wen-Hsin Kuo (2016,Jan). Technical Crafts: Modern Craft and Technical Assistive Device Interdisciplinary Design. The 6th International Conference of Dept. of Interdisciplinary Program in Studies of Arts BK21 Plus Group: Art and Cultural Contents in the Era of Convergence.
  7. Hsueh-Cheng Chen, Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Dec). Subculture – tattoo. 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering: Sensability and Rationality.
  8. Huai-Yi Tsai, Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Dec). Taiwan aboriginal legends of greentechnology for cultural framework. 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering: Sensability and Rationality.
  9. Tsai-Chieh Chou, Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Dec). Technical artwork: the innovation of traditional indigo dyeing culture . 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering: Sensability and Rationality .
  10. Yu-Jie Hong, Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Dec). The relationship between design communication and communication performance of micro-business : a study on Taiwan self-owned apparel designers. 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering: Sensability and Rationality.
  11. Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Jul). GoodSence Marketing : Using Cultural Commodities to Promote Green Consumption in Taiwan. SIBR 2015 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Osaka . MOST 103-2410-H-182-018.
  12. Yi-Tyng Lin, Wei-Chen Chang (2015, Jun). A Study on the Super-solitary Elder Cultural Phenomenon. 2015 International Conference on Healthcare and Management , 長庚大學管理學院.
  13. 林宛姿、張瑋真、黃世輝 (2014,Dec). 台灣綠色工藝材質與設計應用之研究.2015亜州設計文化学会. MOST 103-WFD-2-600-482.
  14. Ke-Ming Yan,Wei-Chen Chang (2014, Jun). Devising Medical Equipment In the Idea of Design Anthropology-New vision in designing methadone-related product. The 4th International conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety,台北圓山.
  15. Wei-Chen Chang (2014, Feb). Building a Five Sense Experience into Children Playgrounds using Renewable Energy(EI compendex). 2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering(EEME2014) , 中國深圳.
  16. Wei-Chen Chang (2014, Jan). A Study on the Computer Supported CommunicationWork in Virtual Product Design (EI compendex). 2014 18th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2014)(EI), 清華大學. indexing to EI (Compendex).
  17. 張桐瑞、張瑋真(2019年06月)。懷舊工藝與愉悅科技之關懷設計:以鞋類穿戴為例.第17屆台塑企業應用技術研討會。
  18. 胡聽雨、張瑋真(2019年06月)。顧客感知價值與購買意願關係之研究:以IKEA家居為例。第17屆台塑企業應用技術研討會。
  19. 吳舒閔、張瑋真(2019年05月)。兒童餐盤設計之促發效應與視覺感知分析研究 。中華民國設計學會第24屆學術研究成果研討會。
  20. 張瑋真、林榮泰(2018年05月)。傳統工藝與現代科技之跨領域設計:以穿戴產品設計為例。第16屆台塑企業應用技術研討會。
  21. Wei-ChenChang, Shyh-Huei Hwang, Hsueh-Cheng Chen(2017年10月)。東方美學應用於東方傳統紋身之感知偏好研究-以四靈為例. Asian Design Culture Society 亞洲設計文化學會。
  22. 張瑋真、蔡旻旻、方瑞仁、裴育晟(2017年06月)。流行工藝美學應用於醫學產品設計之研究 。第15屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會。科技部:105-2410-H-182-012。
  23. 張瑋真、陳依婷、裴育晟(2017年06月)。以TRIZ方法建構輔具創新設計方法之研究 。第15屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會。科技部:105-2410-H-182-012。


  1. 可任意調整治療貼點之治療器. 中華民國專利號碼:1071070. 計畫編號106 - 2410 - H - 182 - 017 -.
  2. 氣切造口頸部裝飾結構.中華民國專利號碼: 107202985. 計畫編號105 - 2410 - H - 182 - 012 .
  3. 具有開瓶功能的筷體.中華民國專利號碼: M552917. 計畫編號105 - 2410 - H - 182 - 012 –.


  1. 教育部研究計畫主持人. 2018/08/01~2019/07/31. 教育部教學實踐研究計畫:綠色工藝設計應用教學實務之研究.
  2. 科技部研究計畫主持人. 2017/08/01~2018/10/31. 探討科技與工藝文化跨領域之研究:以穿戴流行關懷設計為例.
  3. 科技部研究計畫主持人. 2016/08/01~2017/07/31. 流行工藝美學運用於輔具設計之模式建構研究(105-2410-H-182-012-).
  4. 蓮發有限公司研究計畫主持人. 2015/3/20~2015/11/30. 女性皮件設計開發案.
  5. 科技部研究計畫指導老師. 2015/7/1~2016/2/29. 【104大專生】台灣綠色工藝材料與設計應用之研究(NZRPD3E1011)
  6. 科技部研究計畫指導老師. 2015/7/1~2016/2/29. 【104大專生】流行錯覺之研究,以文青文化現象為例(NZRPD3E1311)
  7. 科技部研究計畫主持人. 2014/8/1~2015/7/31. 運用原住民傳說故事於綠色工藝設計之研究(103-2410-H-182-018-).
  8. 運鼎皮件有限公司研究計畫主持人. 2014/3/24~2015/8/1. 女性皮件類商品設計開發案(SCRPD3D0021).
  9. 妍姿皮件有限公司研究計畫主持人. 2014/9/22~2015/6/22. 生活輔具皮件設計開發案(SCRPD3D0051).
  10. 科技部研究計畫指導老師. 2014/7/1~2015/2/28. 【103大專生】應用敘事理論於設計之研究-以中西愛情故事為例(NZRPD3D0071)
  11. 科技部研究計畫指導老師. 2014/7/1~2015/2/28. 【103大專生】Devising Medical Equipment In the Idea of Design Anthropology(NZRPD3D0081)