
吳治慶 / Chih-Ching Wu

職稱: 教授

現職: 長庚大學教務處研究生教務組組長/ 長庚大學醫技系專任教師

信箱: luckywu@mail.cgu.edu.tw

電話: 5093

學歷: 長庚大學生物醫學研究所博士

專長領域: 蛋白質體學、系統生物學、腫瘤生物學

個人網頁: https://reurl.cc/yDWNx2

個人簡歷(Personal Statement)

Chih-Ching Wu obtained his bachelor’s degree in medical technology, master’s degree in microbiology & immunology, and Ph.D. in biochemistry from Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He continued his post-doctoral training in proteomics from 2005 to 2008 and acted as Research Assistant Professor at Molecular Medicine Research Center, Chang Gung University from 2008 to 2010. Dr. Wu has joined Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science, Chang Gung University since 2010. In the past decade, his team established multiple assay platforms to systematically identify biomarkers from diseased tissues or body fluids (e.g., sera, saliva, and pleural effusion) that are useful for detection, monitoring, or prognosis of diseases including various types of cancer, schizophrenia, and microbial infections. His research topics also include studies on an interplay between viral infection and host response. His team has been involved in identifying novel host factors that interact with proteins encoded by emerging viruses (e.g., influenza virus and enterovirus A71) and exploring functional roles of these host factors in viral replication.

研究方向及研究室特色(Lab & Research Interest)


我們實驗室主要以蛋白質體學(proteomics)技術,解析癌症的相關議題。細胞中執行生物功能的巨分子多為蛋白質,因此蛋白質的功能探討在癌症研究中是重要的一環。現今生物質譜儀(mass spectrometry)的發展,讓研究學者得以體學的角度研究蛋白質;例如:系統的觀察細胞中所有蛋白質的表現量、與巨分子的交互作用、位置與轉譯後修飾。因蛋白質體技術的優勢,此技術已被廣泛的運用於疾病之研究,特別是在腫瘤生物標誌的搜尋與鑑定上。我們實驗室致力於使用與發展蛋白質體學技術,以找尋新穎的疾病蛋白標誌,更以蛋白質體學技術探討這些蛋白在疾病中扮演的角色。


最近五年所發表論文(Publication list in the past five years)

1.    Dash S, Wu CC, Wu CC, Chiang SF, Lu YT, Yeh CY, You JF, Chu LJ, Yeh TS, Yu JS. Extracellular vesicle membrane protein profiling and targeted mass spectrometry unveil CD59 and tetraspanin 9 as novel plasma biomarkers for detection of colorectal cancer. Cancers (Basel).2023, 15(1), 177.

2.    Chu HW, Chang KP, Yen WC, Liu HP, Chan XY, Liu CR, Hung CM, Wu CC. Identification of salivary autoantibodies as biomarkers of oral cancer with immunoglobulin A enrichment combined with affinity mass spectrometry. Proteomics. 2023, e2200321.

3.    Yen WC, Chang IY, Chang KP, Ouyang CN, Liu CR, Tsai TL, Zhang YC, Wang CI, Wang YH, Yu AL, Liu H, Wu CC, Chang YS, Yu JS, Yang CY. Genomic and molecular signatures of successful patient-derived xenografts for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Front Oncol. 2022, 12, 792297.

4.    Wang TH, Tseng WC, Leu YL, Chen CY, Lee WC, Chi YC, Cheng SF, Lai CY, Kuo CH, Yang SL, Yang SH, Shen JJ, Feng CH, Wu CC, Hwang TL, Wang CJ, Wang SH, Chen CC. The flavonoid corylin exhibits lifespan extension properties in mouse. Nat Commun. 2022, 13(1), 1238.

5.    Tseng YJ, Wang YC, Hsueh PC, Wu CC. Development and validation of machine learning-based risk prediction models of oral squamous cell carcinoma using salivary autoantibody biomarkers. BMC Oral Health.2022, 22(1), 534.

6.    Liu KT, Gong YN, Huang CG, Huang PN, Yu KY, Lee HC, Lee SC, Chiang HJ, Kung YA, Lin YT, Hsiao MJ, Huang PW, Huang SY, Wu HT, Wu CC, Kuo RL, Chen KF, Hung CT, Oguntuyo KY, Stevens CS, Kowdle S, Chiu HP, Lee B, Chen GW, Shih SR. Quantifying neutralizing antibodies in patients with COVID-19 by a two-variable generalized additive model. mSphere. 2022, 7(1), e0088321.

7.    Kuo RL, Tam EH, Woung CH, Hung CM, Liu HP, Liu HM, Wu CC. Interactome profiling of N-terminus-truncated NS1 protein of influenza A virus reveals role of 14-3-3γ in virus replication. Pathogens. 2022, 11(7), 733.

8.    Hsueh PC, Chang KP, Liu HP, Chiang WF, Chan XY, Hung CM, Chu LJ, Wu CC. Development of a salivary autoantibody biomarker panel for diagnosis of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Front Oncol. 2022, 12, 968570.

9.    Chen YT, Kan CH, Liu H, Liu YH, Wu CC, Kuo YP, Chang IY, Chang KP, Yu JS, Tan BC. Modular scaffolding by lncRNA HOXA10-AS promotes oral cancer progression. Cell Death Dis. 2022, 13(7), 629.

10.Yang CY, Kuo YH, Chen M, Wang CL, Shih LJ, Liu YC, Hsueh PC, Lai YH, Chu CM, Wu CC#, Wu KA#. Pleural cytokines MIF and MIP-3α as novel biomarkers for complicated parapneumonic effusions and empyema. Sci Rep. 2021, 11(1), 1763. (# co-corresponding author)

11.Wang YC, Hsueh PC, Wu CC, Tseng YJ. Machine learning based risk prediction models for oral squamous cell carcinoma using salivary biomarkers. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021, 281, 498-499.

12.Wang TH*, Wu CC*, Huang KY, Leu YL, Yang SC, Chen CL, Chen CY. Integrated omics analysis of non-small-cell lung cancer cells harboring the EGFR C797S mutation reveals the potential of AXL as a novel therapeutic target in TKI-resistant lung cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2021, 13(1), 111. (* equal contribution)

13.Wang LJ, Lin LC, Lee SY, Wu CC, Chou WJ, Hsu CF, Tseng HH, Lin WC. L-Cystine is associated with the dysconnectivity of the default-mode network and salience network in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2021, 125, 105105.

14.Wang LJ, Chou WJ, Tsai CS, Lee MJ, Lee SY, Hsu CW, Hsueh PC, Wu CC. Novel plasma metabolite markers of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder identified using high-performance chemical isotope labelling-based liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2021, 22(2), 139-148.

15.Tam EH, Liu YC, Woung CH, Liu HM, Wu GH, Wu CC, Kuo RL. Role of the chaperone protein 14-3-3ε in the regulation of influenza A virus-activated beta interferon. J Virol. 2021, 95(20), e0023121.

16.Kuo RL, Chen YT, Li HA, Wu CC, Chiang HC, Lin JY, Huang HI, Shih SR, Tan BC. Molecular determinants and heterogeneity underlying host response to EV-A71 infection at single-cell resolution. RNA Biol. 2021, 18(5), 796-808.

17.Huang YA, Chen JC, Wu CC, Hsu CW, Ko AM, Chen LC, Kuo ML. Reducing lung ATP levels and alleviating asthmatic airway inflammation through adeno-associated viral vector-mediated CD39 expression. Biomedicines. 2021, 9(6), 656.

18.Chang SC, Yuan SH, Li CY, Chang HM, Wang HC, Pan YA, Hsueh PC, Wu CC, Yang Y, Liu HP. Significant association of serum autoantibodies to TYMS, HAPLN1 and IGFBP5 with early stage canine malignant mammary tumours. Vet Comp Oncol. 2021, 19(1), 172-182.

19.Yen WC*, Wu YH*, Wu CC*, Lin HR, Stern A, Chen SH, Shu JC, Chiu DT. Impaired inflammasome activation and bacterial clearance in G6PD deficiency due to defective NOX/p38 MAPK/AP-1 redox signaling. Redox Biol. 2020, 28, 101363. (* equal contribution)

20.Yang CY, Liu CR, Chang IY, OuYang CN, Hsieh CH, Huang YL, Wang CI, Jan FW, Wang WL, Tsai TL, Liu H, Tseng CP, Chang YS, Wu CC#, Chang KP#. Cotargeting CHK1 and PI3K synergistically suppresses tumor growth of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma in patient-derived xenografts. Cancers (Basel). 2020, 12(7), 1726. (# co-corresponding author)

21.Wang TH*, Wu CC*, Huang KY, Chuang WY, Hsueh C, Li HJ, Chen CY. Profiling of subcellular EGFR interactome reveals hnRNP A3 modulates nuclear EGFR localization. Oncogenesis. 2020, 9(4), 40. (* equal contribution)

22.Liu MN, Tsai SJ, Yeh HL, Wu CC, Lin CP. MCP-2/CCL8 level associated with suicidal ideation in elderly men with major depression. Arch Suicide Res. 2020, 24(3), 467-476.

23.Lin YH*, Wu CC*, Chen WL, Chang KP. Anti-p53 autoantibody detection in automatic glass capillary immunoassay platform for screening of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Sensors (Basel).2020, 20(4), 971. (* equal contribution)

24.Leu YL, Wang TH, Wu CC, Huang KY, Jiang YW, Hsu YC, Chen CY. Hydroxygenkwanin suppresses non-small cell lung cancer progression by enhancing EGFR degradation. Molecules. 2020, 25(4), 941.

25.Lee KM*, Wu CC*, Wu SE, Lin YH, Wang LT, Chang CR, Huang PN, Shih SR, Kuo RL. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of enterovirus A71 associates with ribosomal proteins and positively regulates protein translation. RNA Biol. 2020, 17(4), 608-622. (* equal contribution)

26.Lee HY, Yu NY, Lee SH, Tsai HJ, Wu CC, Cheng JC, Chen DP, Wang YR, Tseng CP. Podoplanin promotes cancer-associated thrombosis and contributes to the unfavorable overall survival in an ectopic xenograft mouse model of oral cancer. Biomed J. 2020, 43(2), 146-162.

27.Hsueh PC, Wu KA, Yang CY, Hsu CW, Wang CL, Hung CM, Chen YT, Yu JS, Wu CC. Metabolomic profiling of parapneumonic effusion reveals a regulatory role of dipeptides in interleukin-8 production in neutrophil-like cells. Anal Chim Acta. 2020, 1128, 238-250.

28.Chung IC, Chen LC, Tsang NM, Chuang WY, Liao TC, Yuan SN, OuYang CN, Ojcius DM, Wu CC#, Chang YS#. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complex regulates NLRP3 inflammasome activation and predicts patient survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2020, 19(1), 142-154. (# co-corresponding author)

29.Wu KA, Wu CC, Liu YC, Hsueh PC, Chin CY, Wang CL, Chu CM, Shih LJ, Yang CY. Combined serum biomarkers in the noninvasive diagnosis of complicated parapneumonic effusions and empyema. BMC Pulm Med. 2019, 19(1), 108.

30.Wu CC, Chang SC, Zeng GY, Chu HW, Huang Y, Liu HP. Proteome analyses reveal positive association of COL2A1, MPO, TYMS, and IGFBP5 with canine mammary gland malignancy. Proteomics Clin Appl.2019, 13(4), e1800151.

31.Wang LJ, Wu CC, Lee MJ, Chou MC, Lee SY, Chou WJ. Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor and contactin-1 levels in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Clin Med. 2019, 8(9), 1366.

32.Lee CJ, Wu CC, Chou WJ, Lee MJ, Chou MC, Lee SY, Wang LJ. Mitochondrial-associated protein biomarkers in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Mitochondrion. 2019, 49, 83-88.

33.Huang KY, Ong SC, Wu CC, Hsu CW, Lin HC, Fang YK, Cheng WH, Huang PJ, Chiu CH, Tang P. Metabolic reprogramming of hydrogenosomal amino acids in Trichomonas vaginalis under glucose restriction. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2019, 52(4), 630-637.

34.Hsu CW, Chen YT, Hsieh YJ, Chang KP, Hsueh PC, Chen TW, Yu JS, Chang YS, Li L, Wu CC. Integrated analyses utilizing metabolomics and transcriptomics reveal perturbation of the polyamine pathway in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Anal Chim Acta. 2019, 1050, 113-122.

35.Hsu CW, Chang KP, Huang Y, Liu HP, Hsueh PC, Gu PW, Yen WC, Wu CC. Proteomic profiling of paired interstitial fluids reveals dysregulated pathways and salivary NID1 as a biomarker of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2019, 18(10), 1939-1949.

36.Chu HW, Chang KP, Hsu CW, Chang IY, Liu HP, Chen YT, Wu CC. Identification of salivary biomarkers for oral cancer detection with untargeted and targeted quantitative proteomics approaches. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2019, 18(9), 1796-1806.

37.Chen PJ, Ko IL, Lee CL, Hu HC, Chang FR, Wu YC, Leu YL, Wu CC, Lin CY, Pan CY, Tsai YF, Hwang TL. Targeting allosteric site of AKT by 5,7-dimethoxy-1,4-phenanthrenequinone suppresses neutrophilic inflammation. EBioMedicine. 2019, 40, 528-540.

38.Wang LJ, Lin PY, Lee Y, Huang YC, Wu CC, Hsu ST, Chen CC, Chong MY, Lin CH, Hung CF. Increased serum levels of cysteine in patients with schizophrenia: A potential marker of cognitive function preservation. Schizophr Res. 2018, 192, 391-397.

39.Lin YH, Wu CC, Peng YS, Wu CW, Chang YT, Chang KP. Detection of anti-p53 autoantibodies in saliva using microfluidic chips for the rapid screening of oral cancer. RSC Adv. 2018, 8(28), 15513-15521.

40.Lin MH, Li CC, Shu JC, Chu HW, Liu CC, Wu CC. Exoproteome profiling reveals the involvement of the foldase PrsA in the cell surface properties and pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus. Proteomics.2018, 18(5-6), e1700195.

41.Li HP, Peng CC, Wu CC, Chen CH, Shih MJ, Huang MY, Lai YR, Chen YL, Chen TW, Tang P, Chang YS, Chang KP, Hsu CL. Inactivation of the tight junction gene CLDN11 by aberrant hypermethylation modulates tubulins polymerization and promotes cell migration in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018, 37(1), 102.

42.Lee HH, Chang CH, Wang LJ, Wu CC, Chen HL, Lu T, Lu RB, Lee SY. The correlation between longitudinal changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis activity and changes in neurocognitive function in mixed-state bipolar II disorder. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat.2018, 14, 2703-2713.

43.Lee CC, Hsieh YJ, Chen SW, Fu SH, Hsu CW, Wu CC, Han W, Li Y, Huan T, Chang YS, Yu JS, Li L, Chang CH, Chen YT. Bretschneider solution-induced alterations in the urine metabolome in cardiac surgery patients. Sci Rep. 2018, 8(1), 17774.

44.Kuo RL, Chen CJ, Tam EH, Huang CG, Li LH, Li ZH, Su PC, Liu HP, Wu CC. Interactome analysis of NS1 protein encoded by influenza A H7N9 virus reveals an inhibitory role of NS1 in host mRNA maturation. J Proteome Res. 2018, 17(4), 1474-1484.

45.Huang YC, Lin PY, Lee Y, Hung CF, Hsu ST, Wu CC#, Wang LJ#. Serum levels of β-hydroxybutyrate and pyruvate, metabolic changes and cognitive function in patients with schizophrenia during antipsychotic treatment: a preliminary study. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018, 14, 799-808. (# co-corresponding author)

46.Chu CS, Li DJ, Chu CL, Wu CC, Lu T. Decreased IL-1ra and NCAM-1/CD56 Serum Levels in Unmedicated Patients with Schizophrenia Before and After Antipsychotic Treatment. Psychiatry Investig. 2018, 15(7), 727-732.

47.Chu CS, Chu CL, Wu CC, Lu T. Serum nerve growth factor beta, brain- and glial-derived neurotrophic factor levels and psychopathology in unmedicated patients with schizophrenia. J Chin Med Assoc. 2018, 81(6), 577-581.

48.Chen CY, Wu CC, Huang YC, Hung CF, Wang LJ. Gender differences in the relationships among neurosteroid serum levels, cognitive function, and quality of life. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018, 14, 2389-2399.



1.  余兆松、張雅婷、吳治慶、石宜銘、張玉生。胰臟癌之血清生物檢測標誌及其應用(A serological marker for detecting pancreatic cancer and a method for using the serological marker)。中華民國專利發明第I408370號,專利權期間: 2013/9/11~2031/5/18。專利權人:長庚大學

2. 吳國安、楊佳郁、吳治慶、林錫賢。複雜性肺炎旁肋膜積液之檢測方法。中華民國專利發明第I669507號,專利權期間: 2019/08~2038/04。專利權人:國軍桃園總醫院

3. 楊佳郁、張凱評、謝佳訓、吳治慶、歐陽俊男、劉巧柔。Methods for treating oral cancers。美國專利發明:US 11,304,939 B2專利權期間:2022/04~2032/04專利權人:長庚大學、林口長庚醫院


1.    技術名稱:胰臟癌之血清生物檢測標誌及其應用。專利名稱:胰臟癌之血清生物檢測標誌及其應用。授權單位:長庚大學。被授權單位:世延生醫股份有限公司。簽約日期:2020/01~2030/01

重要獎項(Major awards and honor)

2022 Outstanding Award for Industrial Cooperation, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

2021 Outstanding Teaching Award, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

2016 Outstanding Teaching Award, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

2009 HUPO Young Investigator Travel Award

2009 TPS International Proteomics Conference and 5th AOHUPO MPI Poster Award

2007 AOHUPO/KSMS Young Scientist Award