張玉喆 副系主任
現職 |
長庚大學 醫學系 副系主任 |
林口長庚醫院 急診醫學部 主治醫師 |
長庚醫學教育研究中心 副主任 |
學歷 |
國立陽明大學 醫學系 學士 |
國立陽明大學 急重症醫學研究所碩士 |
澳洲福林德斯大學(Flinders University) 臨床教育碩士 |
經歷 |
2023~迄今 長庚大學醫學系專任教授 |
2021~迄今 Associate Editor of Frontiers in Medicine - Healthcare Professions Education |
2017~迄今 Associate Editor of BMC Medical Education |
2011~迄今 林口長庚醫院專責教學主治醫師 |
1 |
Chang YL, Hsieh MJ, Chang YC, Yeh SL, Chen SW, Tsai YF. Self-efficacy of caring for patients in the intensive care unit with delirium: Development and validation of a scale for intensive care unit nurses. Aust Crit Care. 2023 Jul;36(4):449-454. |
2 |
Chang YC, Nkambule NS, Xiao X, Monrouxe LV, Tseng HM. Conceptualisation and Development of a values-based scale of emergency physicians’ professional identities. BMC Med Educ. 2023;23(1):400. |
3 |
Chang YC, Khwepeya M, Nkambule NS, Chuang RS, Chaou CH. Emergency residents’ self-perceived readiness for practice: the association of milestones, entrustable professional activities, and professional identities-a multi-institutional survey. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023;10:1032516. |
4 |
Chang YC*, Hu CY. Responding to change: Could co-design overcome the complexities of electronic health record implementation? Med Educ. 2023;57(4):295-297. |
5 |
Liu TT, Cheng CT, Hsu CP, Chaou CH, Ng CJ, Jeng MJ, Chang YC*. Validation of a five-level triage system in pediatric trauma and the effectiveness of triage nurse modification: A multi-center cohort analysis. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Nov 1;9:947501. |
6 |
Hu CY, Nisbet G, Chang YC*. Responding to change in a medical student rural community service: Insights from activity theory. Med Educ. 2022 Nov;56(11):1086-1095. doi: 10.1111/medu.14869. |
7 |
Lo HY, Lin SC, Chaou CH, Chang YC, Ng CJ, Chen SY. What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency medicine residency training: an observational study. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Oct 18;22(1):727. |
8 |
Chang YL, Hsieh MJ, Chang YC, Yeh SL, Chen SW, Tsai YF. Self-efficacy of caring for patients in the intensive care unit with delirium: Development and validation of a scale for intensive care unit nurses. Aust Crit Care. 2022 Sep 19:S1036-7314(22)00117-5. |
9 |
Chao YP, Kang CJ, Chuang HH, Hsieh MJ, Chang YC, Kuo TBJ, Yang CCH, Huang CG, Fang TJ, Li HY, Lee LA. Comparison of the effect of 360° versus two-dimensional virtual reality video on history taking and physical examination skills learning among undergraduate medical students: a randomized controlled trial. Virtual Real. 2023;27(2):637-650. |
10 |
Kumar K, Roberts C, Finn GM, Chang YC. Using theory in health professions education research: a guide for early career researchers. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Aug 4;22(1):601. |
11 |
Chang YC, Nkambule NS, Chen SY, Hsieh MJ, Chaou CH. Exploring the Impact of Pre-course High-Fidelity Simulation on Professional Socialization of Medical Students in Emergency Medicine Internship Rotation-A Qualitative Approach. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jun 30;9:933212. |
12 |
Chang YC, Chuang RS, Hsiao CT, Khwepeya M, Nkambule NS. Bridging the Gap: Using Consensus to Explore Entrustment Decisions and Feedback Receptivity in Competency-Based Emergency Medicine Residency Programs Through the Construction of a Q-Sample Incorporating a Delphi Technique. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jun 2;9:879271. |
13 |
Liu P, Chen SY, Chang YC, Ng CJ, Chaou CH. Multimodal In-training Examination in an Emergency Medicine Residency Training Program: A Longitudinal Observational Study. Med (Lausanne). 2022 Mar 9;9:840721. |
14 |
Huang YB, Lin YR, Hung SK, Chang YC, Ng CJ, Chen SY. Pediatric Training Crisis of Emergency Medicine Residency during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Children (Basel). 2022 Jan 1;9(1):32.. |
15 |
Yau SY, Chang YC, Wu MY, Liao SC. Does seniority always correlate with simulated intubation performance? Comparing endotracheal intubation performance across medical students, residents, and physicians using a high-fidelity simulator. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 24;16(9):e0257969. |
16 |
Chang YC, Nkambule NS, Xiao X, Ngerng RYL, Monrouxe LV. Safety net, gateway, market, sport, and war: Exploring how emergency physicians conceptualize and ascribe meaning to emergency care. Soc Sci Med. 2021 Oct;287:114338. |
17 |
Chen SY, Chaou CH, Yu SR, Chang YC, Ng CJ, Liu P. High-fidelity simulation is associated with good discriminability in emergency medicine residents' in-training examinations. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Jun 18;100(24):e26328. |
18 |
Chaou CH, Yu SR, Chang YC, Ma SD, Tseng HM, Hsieh MJ, Fang JT. The evolution of medical students' preparedness for clinical practice during the transition of graduation: a longitudinal study from the undergraduate to postgraduate periods. BMC Med Educ. 2021 May 6;21(1):260. |
19 |
Hsu PW, Fu RH, Chang YC. Comparing learning outcomes among postgraduate year trainee groups. Biomed J. 2020 Dec;43(6):490-495. |
20 |
Lo HY, Lin SC, Chaou CH, Chang YC, Ng CJ, Chen SY. What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency medicine residency training: an observational study. BMC Med Educ. 2020 Oct 7;20(1):348. |
21 |
Lo HY, Chaou CH, Chang YC, Ng CJ, Chen SY. Prediction of emergency department volume and severity during a novel virus pandemic: Experience from the COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Emerg Med. 2020 Aug 5:S0735-6757(20)30679-3. |
22 |
Chaou CH, Yu SR, Ngerng RYL, Monrouxe LV, Chang LC, Chang YC*. Clinical Teachers’ Motivations For Feedback Provision in Busy Emergency Departments: A Multi-center Qualitative Study. Emerg Med J. 2021 Aug;38(8):624-629. |
23 |
Chen WC, Chaou CH, Ng CJ, Liu YP, Chang YC*. Assessing the effectiveness of pediatric emergency medicine education in emergency medicine residency training: A national survey. Hong Kong J Emerg Med. 2020; 29(6) 349–357. |
24 |
Chang YC, Xiao X, Nkambule N, Ngerng RYL, Bullock A, Monrouxe LV. Exploring emergency physicians' professional identities: a Q-method study. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2020 May 7. |
25 |
Chang YC, Tseng HM, Xiao X, Ngerng RYL, Wu CL, Chaou CH. Examining the association of career stage and medical specialty with personality preferences - a cross-sectional survey of junior doctors and attending physicians from various specialties. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Sep 23;19(1):363. |
26 |
Chang YC, Chou LT, Lin HL, Huang SF, Shih MC, Wu MC, Wu CL, Chen PT, Chaou CH. An interprofessional training program for intrahospital transport of critically ill patients: model build-up and assessment. J Interprof Care. 2019 Jan 23:1-5 |
27 |
Chen HJ, Liao LL, Chang YC, Hung CC, Chang LC. Factors Influencing Technology Integration in the Curriculum for Taiwanese Health Profession Educators: A Mixed-Methods Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Jul 22;16(14) |
28 |
Chaou CH, Chang YC, Yu SR, Tseng HM, Hsiao CT, Wu KH, Monrouxe LV, Ling RNY. Clinical learning in the context of uncertainty: a multi-center survey of emergency department residents' and attending physicians' perceptions of clinical feedback. BMC Med Educ. 2019 May 29;19(1):174 |
29 |
Anderson MB, Crampton P, Hejri SM, Chang YC. Introduction May 2019 - 'Really Good Stuff'. Med Educ. 2019 May;53(5):496-497 |
30 |
Chen KS, Monrouxe L, Lu YH, Jenq CC, Chang YJ, Chang YC, Chai PY. Academic outcomes of flipped classroom learning: a meta-analysis. Med Educ. 2018 Jun 25;52(9):910-24 |
31 |
Chang, Y. C., Lee, C. H., Chen, C. K., Liao, C. H., Ng, C. J., Chen, J. C., & Chaou, C. H. (2017). Exploring the influence of gender, seniority and specialty on paper and computer-based feedback provision during mini-CEX assessments in a busy emergency department. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2017 Mar;22(1):57-67 |
32 |
Chaou CH, Monrouxe LV, Chang LC, Yu SR, Ng CJ, Lee CH, Chang YC*. Challenges of feedback provision in the workplace: A qualitative study of emergency medicine residents and teachers. Med Teach. 2017;39:1145-1153. |
計畫主持人 |
1 |
探究專科護理師如何概念化其專業認同 |
長庚醫學研究計畫編號:CDRPG3N0011 |
執行期間:2023.03.01-2024.02.29 |
2 |
駕馭臨床不確定:從容忍和有效處理臨床不確定的視角來探究醫師的執業準備度及幸福感 |
科技部研究計畫編號:110-2511-H-182 -004 -MY3 |
執行期間:2021.08.01-2024.07.31 |
3 |
運用高擬真情境模擬教學為實習醫師做好應對臨床不確定之準備 |
教學實踐研究計畫編號:PMN1100582 |
執行期間:2021.08.01-2022.07.31 |
4 |
運用高擬真情境模擬教學作為醫學生急診醫學臨床實習低參與度之可能補救方法 –一個自我決定論的研究 |
教學實踐研究計畫編號:PMN1090331 |
執行期間:2020.08.01-2021.07.31 |
5 |
發展高擬真情境模擬作為醫學生照顧急重症病人之信賴評核工具 |
教學實踐研究計畫編號:PMN1080027 |
執行期間:2019.08.01-2020.07.31 |
6 |
實施基於以能力為導向的醫學教育評估作為潛在的專業認同強化之工具:探究可信賴的專業活動/學習里程碑評估的可行性及其對急診醫師專業認同的影響 |
科技部研究計畫:MOST 108-2511-H-182 -007 -MY2 |
執行期間:2019.08.01-2021.07.31 |
7 |
建構有復原力的工作人力:探索急診醫師的專業認同,職業倦怠和壓力的關係 |
科技部研究計畫:105-2511-S-182-001-MY3 |
執行期間:2016.08.01-2019.12.31 |
計劃共同主持人 |
1 |
以混合多評準決策模式建構PGY醫師與住院醫師壞消息告知能力發展策略 |
科技部研究計畫:112-2410-H-182A-004 – |
執行期間:2023/08/01~2024/07/31 |
2 |
住院醫師學習壓力、休閒活動參與度和幸福感之相關研究 |
科技部研究計畫:112-2410-H-182A-005 - |
執行期間:2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31 |
3 |
台灣醫學系兩種學制的比較: 一個前瞻性、多中心、混合方法、世代追蹤研究 |
科技部研究計畫:112-2410-H-182 -027 - |
執行期間:2023/08/01~2024/07/31 |
4 |
一個前瞻性研究:互動式360°虛擬實境與病例導向討論在急診情境的臨床推理教學成效比較 |
科技部研究計畫:111-2410-H-182 -031 -MY2 |
執行期間:2022/08/01~2024/07/31 |
5 |
口罩掩住了人文關懷?--疫情之下醫學人文教育的反思與全人照護實踐之探討 |
科技部研究計畫:111-2410-H-182 -028 - |
執行期間:2022/08/01~2023/07/31 |
6 |
以病人為師:患者敘事訪談訓練對醫學生敘事能力的影響 |
科技部研究計畫:111-2410-H-303 -006 - |
執行期間:2022/08/01~2024/07/31 |
7 |
「以人為本」的虛擬實境教案設計與測試: 以癌症病情告知教育為例 |
科技部研究計畫:110-2511-H-182 -010 -MY2 |
執行期間:2021/08/01~2023/07/31 |
8 |
信賴決定過程概念架構在急診工作場域的探索與驗證 |
科技部研究計畫:109-2511-H-182A-002 -MY3 |
執行期間:2020/08/01~2024/07/31 |
9 |
模擬情境教學對加護病房護理人員的譫妄自我效能及批判性思考能力之成效-隨機臨床試驗 |
科技部研究計畫:109-2314-B-182 -009 -MY3 |
執行期間:2020/08/01~2023/07/31 |
10 |
可信賴專業活動導向的評量工具開發,驗證和可行性測試於勝任能力導向的急診醫學訓練 |
科技部研究計畫:107-2511-H-182 -003 -MY2 |
執行期間:2018/08/01~2020/07/31 |
11 |
急診病患年齡層別檢傷分類系統研究-分類錯置、處置修正、模型驗證 |
科技部研究計畫:104-2410-H-182-028-MY2 |
執行期間:2013.08.01-2015.07.31 |
12 |
急診低中緊急檢傷級數病患之後續住院相關因素與預測模型研究 |
科技部研究計畫:102-2410-H-182-010-MY2 |
執行期間:2015.08.01-2017.07.31 |
13 |
台灣地區急診住院醫師臨床教學口頭回饋現狀調查與影響因子探討之多中心研究 |
科技部研究計畫:105-2511-S-182 -016 - |
執行期間:2016.08.01-2017.07.31 |
- 長庚大學112年度教學奬優良教師。
- 長庚大學103年度教學奬優良教師。
- 林口長庚醫院102年度優良教學主治醫師。
- 林口長庚醫院100年度最優教師。