職缺名稱: 工學院誠徵約聘高教深耕行政助理(學士級)一名
1. 工學院系所高教深耕計畫執行,包含計劃書蒐集撰寫、預算執行規劃編列、資料統整、行政
2. 其他主管交辦事宜。
二、工作時間:每週一至週五 8:30 至 17:00,週休 2 日。
六、電腦專長:基礎電腦操作、海報設計美工能力、網頁維護管理能力及熟悉 Office 文書處理。
1. 具備良好溝通能力、公文撰寫能力、工作態度積極熱忱、細心負責並能獨立處理行政事務。
1. 意者請備齊以下資料:
(1) 履歷(附照片、學經歷、自傳、手機及 Email 等)。
(2) 最高學歷畢業證書影本。
(3) 應徵人員個人資料蒐集告知條款及同意書(請至本校人事室網站下載專區→人事表單中下
(4) 其他有利審查資料(如美工影音軟體、資料庫應用或英檢檢定證明等)。
2. 申請方式:請以電子郵件寄送應徵文件,應徵資料請整合成單一 PDF檔案,Email 寄至haoyi@cgu.edu.tw,信件主旨請註明「工學院約聘行政助理(學士級)_[姓名]」,其餘應徵方式,恕不審查或回覆。
3. 收件日期:即日起以隨到隨審方式進行,如找到合適人選即停止招募。
工學院聯絡人:林小姐,電話:03-211-8800 分機 5751。
人事室聯絡人:麥小姐,電話:03-211-8800 分機 3471
Recruitment position: Administrative Assistant for Higher Education
Development (Bachelor's level) Contract renewed annually
I. Job Responsibilities:
Execute the higher
education development plan for the College of Engineering, including
collecting and writing project proposals, planning and executing budgets,
data consolidation, administrative documentation, tracking implementation
rates of various departments, regularly reporting progress to the College
of Engineering supervisors, managing related matters for plan
implementation, and assisting with various issues related to funding
applications from departments.
Other duties assigned by
II. Work Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, with two days off per week.
III. Salary and Benefits: Based on the salary standards outlined in Chang Gung University's
"Management Guidelines for Research Project Personnel." Contract
renewed annually. The starting salary for the first year at the Bachelor's
level is NT$35,200 per month, including labor and health insurance.
IV. Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree required.
V. Work Experience: No specific requirements; administrative experience is preferred.
VI. Computer Skills: Basic computer operations, poster design and graphic skills, webpage
maintenance, and proficiency in Office applications.
VII. Additional Compensation: Candidates with B2 or C1 language proficiency (B2 – TOEIC score of 750 or
above; C1 – 880 or above, or equivalent scores) may apply for language bonuses
of NT$1,500 or more per month if they conduct interviews or presentations in
VIII. Other Requirements:
Strong communication
skills, ability to write formal documents, a proactive and enthusiastic
work attitude, attention to detail, responsibility, and ability to
independently handle administrative tasks.
IX. Application Process:
Interested candidates
should prepare the following documents:
(1) Resume (with photo,
educational and work experience, personal statement, phone number, and
(2) Copy of the highest degree certificate.
(3) Personal data
collection consent form (please download from the university's HR office
website under the Personnel Forms section).
(4) Additional supporting documents
(e.g., graphic design software proficiency, database applications, or
language certification).
Application Method: Please
submit your application documents via email. Combine all application
materials into a single PDF file and send it to haoyi@cgu.edu.tw. The subject line should read
"Administrative Assistant (Bachelor's level)_[Name]." Other
application methods will not be considered or responded to.
Application Deadline:
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Recruitment will cease
once suitable candidates are found.
who pass the document review will be notified separately regarding the written
test and interview schedule. Those who do not meet the requirements or are not
selected will not receive further notification.
Start Date: To be
determined based on the university's review results.
Note: Providing false personal information may result in disqualification or
dismissal from the position.
Contact Person for College of Engineering: Ms.Lin , Phone: 03-211-8800 ext. 5751.
Contact Person for HR Office: Ms. Mai, Phone: 03-211-8800 ext. 3471.