
Honors & Awards

第20屆傑出論文獎獲獎人_楊佳蓉 博士.jpeg
【Honor】Congratulations to Dr. Chia-Jung Yang for Winning the "20th Yung Shin Lee Tien-De Pharmaceutical Technology Award – Outstanding Paper Award
#Award Announcement 🎉 Congratulations to Prof. Lai Ruei-Yang, Distinguished Professor and Chair of our department, and his student, Dr. Yang Jia-Rong, for receiving the ✦20th Yung Shin Lee Tien-De Pharmaceutical Technology Award ▷ Outstanding Paper Award – Dr. Chia-Jung Yang✦! Dr. Yang is a Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chang Gung University. ❑Award-Winning Topic Development of Multifunctional Cerium Oxide Nanomedicine and Its Application for Treating Aqueous-Deficient Dry Eye Disease ❑Research Overview Current treatments for dry eye disease require frequent eye drop applications, yet these are quickly washed away due to tear flow or blinking. This study developed metal nanoparticles with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, enhanced through surface functionalization to improve bioavailability. These nanomaterials can be combined with drugs to provide multiple therapeutic mechanisms, effectively alleviating various symptoms of dry eye disease. This innovation offers patients a more convenient and effective treatment option. 🎥 Video Link: https://youtu.be/cw5oXTSMY_Y?si=uGLheyG5usBTnm-o #ChangGungUniversity|#DepartmentofBiomedicalEngineering|#BiomedicalEngineering|#20thYungShinLeeTienDePharmaceuticalTechnologyAward|#YungShinLeeTienDePharmaceuticalFoundation|#OutstandingPaperAward|#DrChia-Jung Yang

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