


【演講公告】11/05可信賴人工智慧與數位媒體鑑識: 應對模型的自我感知,真實性與安全挑戰-張明清 副教授

【演講公告】2024.11.05 可信賴人工智慧與數位媒體鑑識: 應對模型的自我感知,真實性與安全挑戰-張明清 副教授

演講主題:可信賴人工智慧與數位媒體鑑識: 應對模型的自我感知,真實性與安全挑戰 講者: 張明清 紐約州立大學奧本尼分校電腦科學系 副教授 時間: 2024/11/05 (二)  14:10-16:00 地點: 管理大樓11樓-AI講堂 直播連結: https://gqr.sh/LrGY 講者簡介: Ming-Ching Chang is an Associate Professor with tenure (since Fall 2022) in the Department of Computer Science at the University at Albany, SUNY. He previously held positions in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016-2018) and as an Adjunct Professor in Computer Science (2012-2016). From 2008 to 2016, he worked as a Computer Scientist at GE Global Research Center and was an Assistant Researcher at the Mechanical Industry Research Labs, ITRI in Taiwan from 1996 to 1998. Dr. Chang earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Man/Machine Systems from Brown University in 2008, along with an M.S. in Computer Science and Information Engineering (1998) and a B.S. in Civil Engineering (1996) from National Taiwan University. His research focuses on video analytics, computer vision, image processing, and artificial intelligence, with over 70 published papers. His projects have received funding from DARPA, IARPA, NIJ, VA, GE Global Research, Kitware Inc., and the University at Albany. Dr. Chang is a senior member of IEEE.   演講大綱: 可信賴人工智慧的研究目標是創建高效、健全、安全、公平、隱私保護和可問責的人工智慧模型。 隨著基礎模型和生成式 AI 的應用日益增長,這些技術可以生成文件與產生可以以假亂實的圖像。在快速變化的數位世界中,真實與虛假的界線變得愈發模糊。對於能夠驗證媒體內容、辨別真偽的技術需求日益重要。 在此次演講中,我將探討可信賴人工智慧、數位媒體鑑識以及安全計算領域的創新研究成果。首先,我將介紹一種新穎的多流形嵌入學習方法,用於識別分佈外數據(OOD),並通過因果分析揭示大型視覺語言模型中的隱藏幻覺因素。此外,我將討論一種針對長尾數據分佈的噪聲標籤學習技術。 在數位媒體鑑識領域,我將展示使用隱式神經表徵進行圖像操作檢測 (IMD),這些技術在有限監督下進行。此外,我會闡述 IMD 數據集的開發, 包括物體感知和語義重要性的標註,並通過穩定擴散 (Stable Diffusion) 技術更有效地模擬現實場景。 最後,我將探討安全加密計算中的重要創新,特別是利用GPU加速深度神經網路推理中的完全同態加密 (FHE),以及通過量化和網路微調策略來增強功能引導。 主辦單位:智慧運算學院、人工智慧研究中心  ※本活動無需報名
演講公告 2024.10.15 從詞嵌入到大型語言模型:自然語言處理的演進與前景-林英嘉博士

【演講公告】2024.10.15 從詞嵌入到大型語言模型:自然語言處理的演進與前景-林英嘉博士

演講主題:從詞嵌入到大型語言模型:自然語言處理的演進與前景 講者: 林英嘉 國立成功大學資訊工程學系  博士 時間: 2024/10/15 (二)  14:10-16:00 地點: 管理大樓11樓-AI講堂 直播連結: https://gqr.sh/NU8B 講者簡介: Dr. Ying-Jia Lin is a postdoctoral researcher at National Tsing Hua University. He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Cheng Kung University in 2024. Prior to that, he obtained his MS from the Institute of Biomedical Informatics at National Yang-Ming University in 2019 and his BS in Biomedical Sciences from Chang Gung University in 2017. His current research focuses on text summarization, model compression, and BioNLP. Ying-Jia Lin has published in top AI/NLP conferences, such as AAAI, EMNLP, and AACL. He is an honorary member of the Phi Tau Phi Society, and he won two Best Paper Awards at TAAI in 2022 and 2019. 演講大綱: 本次演講將探討自然語言處理 (NLP) 的演進,從詞嵌入的基礎概念到像 GPT 這樣的大型語言模型的出現。在第一部分,我們將回顧 NLP 的歷史,強調引領該領域發展至今的關鍵進展。第二部分我們審視 GPT 是否真正解決了自然語言生成任務,此部分將以文本摘要為例進行探討。接著我們將討論 GPT 模型中內在的架構問題,如減少記憶體用量的議題,並深入探討其知識上的限制,特別是在 GPT 應用於醫學文本報告時,是否採用 Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) 的做法。本次演講旨在提供對 NLP 發展和剩餘挑戰的洞見,並對未來方向和前景提出觀點。 主辦單位:智慧運算學院、人工智慧研究中心  ※本活動無需報名
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【演講公告】2024.10.01 資料驅動的次世代醫學研究與健康照護系統-林嶔 副教授

講題: 資料驅動的次世代醫學研究與健康照護系統 講者: -林嶔 副教授 國防醫學院醫學系 時間: 2024/10/01(二) 14:00-16:00 地點: 人工智慧研究中心(管理大樓11樓) 線上直播: https://gqr.sh/VD5p   講者介紹: Dr. Lin's primary research focuses on the development of artificial intelligence models and their integration into clinical practice to validate improvements in healthcare quality. Dr. Lin's most renowned work is the AI-enabled ECG interpretation platform, capable of detecting over 50 diseases from a single ECG. This platform has initiated more than 10 clinical trials and has recently demonstrated the benefits of AI-ECG in reducing short-term mortality.   演講大綱: 醫學研究是健康照護系統的基石。過去的數十年裡醫學研究學者們已經建立起了一套科學範式,並以此為基礎大幅提升健康照護系統的品質與效率。隨著深度學習革命帶來的技術突破,強大的人工智慧模型必然成為的一部分,但這也對醫學研究傳統範式提出了重大挑戰。國防醫學院團隊面對這樣的機會與挑戰,目前關注於利用人工智慧對既有醫學資料進行再次分析並提供患者伺機性篩檢的機會,本次演講將分享國防醫學院團隊智慧醫療的研究經驗,以一系列的回溯性研究與臨床試驗來揭示人機合作的次世代健康照護系統的面貌。   主辦單位:人工智慧研究中心、智慧運算學院  ※本活動無需報名

【演講公告】2024.09.24 結合蛋白質語言模型嵌入,與多視窗掃描深度學習 模型解讀膜蛋白序列中的生物語言訊息,並進行功能鑑別-歐昱言教授

講題: 結合蛋白質語言模型嵌入,與多視窗掃描深度學習模型解讀膜蛋白序列中的生物語言訊息,並進行功能鑑別 講者: 歐昱言教授 元智大學資訊工程學系教授 時間: 2024/09/24(二) 14:00-16:00 地點: 人工智慧研究中心(管理大樓11樓) 線上直播: https://gqr.sh/awHN   講者介紹: 歐昱言教授於2005年獲得台灣大學資訊工程系博士學位,並於當年到元智大學資工系服務至今,主要研究領域是機器學習與生物資訊。其將機器學習相關技術應用到蛋白質序列分析已經有很多年的時間,主要深耕在膜蛋白相關序列的功能預測與鑑別上,從2016年以後,隨著深度學習與自然語言相關技術的快速發展,帶領著團隊將這些技術應用到膜蛋白相關領域的序列分析上,是使用蛋白質語言模型到膜蛋白序列分析的領先團隊之一,這幾年在主要生物資訊期刊發表包括3篇《Briefings in Bioinformatics》(IF: 9.5,排名3/55)、4篇《Computers in Biology and Medicine》(IF: 7.7,排名4/55)、1篇《Bioinformatics》(IF: 5.8,排名6/55)以及2篇《IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics》(IF: 4.5,排名7/125)等。 歐教授去年獲得了徐有庠基金會的第21屆有庠傑出教授獎,也取得元智大學的2022與2019年的資訊類研究傑出獎,另外也獲得109與111學年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵支持。     演講大綱: This presentation will explore the integration of protein language pre-training models with multi-window scanning deep learning techniques to decode and analyze the biological language embedded within membrane protein sequences. We will first utilize protein language models such as ProtTrans or ESM-2 to transform protein sequences into high-dimensional vector embeddings, capturing the intricate biological language within these sequences. Following this, we will employ multi-window convolutional neural networks (MCNN) to extract features across various scales, enabling the identification of membrane protein functions based on these language features. This innovative approach, combining language models with multi-scale analysis, not only enhances our understanding of membrane and transporter proteins but also offers new perspectives and potential applications in the field of bioinformatics.     主辦單位:人工智慧研究中心、智慧運算學院  ※本活動無需報名
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【演講公告】2024.09.03工業人工智慧從理論到實務 曹孝櫟教授 啟碁科技股份有限公司事業處處長/ 陽明交通大學資訊工程學系教授

講題: 工業人工智慧從理論到實務 講者: 曹孝櫟教授 啟碁科技股份有限公司 事業處處長 時間: 2024.09.03(二) 14:00-16:00 地點: 人工智慧研究中心(管理大樓11樓) 線上直播: https://reurl.cc/MjRQKk 講者介紹: Shiao-Li Tsao earned his PhD degree in engineering science from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 1999. His research interests include energy-aware computing, embedded software and system, and mobile communication and wireless network. He was a visiting scholar at Bell Labs, Lucent technologies, USA, in the summer of 1998, a visiting professor at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in the summer of 2007, and Dept. of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in the summer of 2010 and 2011, and 2012-2013. From 1999 to 2003, Dr. Tsao joined Computers and Communications Research Labs (CCL) of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) as a researcher and a section manager. Dr. Tsao is currently a professor of Dept. of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University. Prof. Tsao has published more than 100 international journal and conference papers, and has held or applied 21 US patents. Prof. Tsao received the Research Achievement Awards of ITRI in 2000 and 2004, Highly Cited Patent Award of ITRI in 2007, Outstanding Project Award of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) in 2003, and Advanced Technologies Award of MOEA in 2003. He also received the Young Engineer Award from the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering in 2007, Outstanding Teaching Award of National Chiao Tung University, K. T. Li Outstanding Young Scholar Award from ACM Taipei/Taiwan chapter in 2008, and 2013 Award for Excellent Contributions in Technology Transfer from National Science Council. He is a member of IEEE. 演講大綱 : l   為什麼要工業AI l   工業AI應用與理論之概覽 l   從0到1的挑戰 l   下一步: 從工業AI到工業GAI 主辦單位:人工智慧研究中心、智慧運算學院  ※本活動無需報名。