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Principles for Identifying Controversial Journals or Publishers (Established at University Faculty Evaluation Committee on December 18, 2024)

Item Publications Representative Works for Promotion Reference Works for Promotion 1 The journals in question are not indexed in the JCR and do not have an impact factor or field ranking. X (Faculty in the Division of Humanities and Arts at the Center for General Education are excluded.) X (Faculty in the Division of Humanities and Arts at the Center for General Education are excluded.) 2 The journals or publishers are included in Beall's List (Frontiers is identified based on the provisions of Item 5). X X 3 Which Lack of publisher information. X X 4 Published by Ivyspring, Omics, Baishideng, Hindawi, ACT, and AME. X X 5 Published by MDPI, Frontiers, and BMC. X ○ (Fewer than 50% of the works)
Other Information

Points to Note Regarding Project Fund Disbursement for CXRP.

1.PIs are requested to itemize the funding requirements specified by the regulation "長庚醫學研究計畫作業管理辦法" (as in Annex 1). Please itemize the consumables required for research (common items as listed in Annex 2) in detail in the project proposal (template as in Annex 3 is for reference only, not a formal items). 2.Any changes to subsidized items must be approved before disbursement. 3.PIs are required to strictly comply with the above regulations. If abnormalities are found during inspections, items that are not eligible for subsidy under CXRP will need to be self-funded by the PIs (BMRP and project-related subsidy funds cannot be used for this purpose).
Other Information

NSTC Call for Applications: 2025 Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Book Writing Project

1. Detailed Information: 2. This application is submitted online. Applicants are required to complete the following items in order and within the specified timeframe. (Late submissions will not be accepted by the R&D Department.) (1) NSTC online system: Before 2025/2/17 (Mon) 9:00 AM (2) FLOW online system: Before 2025/2/17 (Mon) 12:00 PM (System URL:, System manual: 3. Contact Information: (1) Contact Person (CGU): Pei-Heng, Shih, Ext: 3337, Email: (2) Contact Person (NSTC): Wen-Chun, Lan (Assistant Research Fellow), Tel.: 02-2737-7460, Email: (3) NSTC System Issues: 0800-212-058, 02-2737-7590, 02-2737-7591, 02-2737-7592 ※ Please ensure that all project participants adhere to the regulations on intellectual property rights and academic ethics when applying for or conducting research. ※ After the project is approved, it should be processed in accordance with the NSTC Guidelines for Subsidized Special Research Projects, Principles for Handling Research Project Grants, and other relevant regulations.
Project Application

NSTC Call for Applications: Advanced Land Subsidence Prevention Technology Development Phase II (2025-2028) Project

1. Detailed Information:    2. This application is submitted online. Applicants are required to complete the following items in order and within the specified timeframe. (Late submissions will not be accepted by the R&D Department.) (1) NSTC online system: Before 2025/3/3(Mon) 9:00 AM (2) FLOW online system: Before 2025/3/3(Mon) 12:00 PM (System URL:, System manual: 3. The project is scheduled to hold an information session in mid to late February 2025. Details of the session will be announced on the Natural Sciences Department and the Science Promotion & Engagement Center websites (Natural Sciences Department:, Promotion Center: Researchers interested in this project are encouraged to stay informed. 4. Contact Information: (1) Contact Person (CGU): Pei-Heng, Shih, Ext: 3337, Email: (2) Contact Person (NSTC): Hong-Ru, Liao (Associate Research Fellow), Tel.: 02-2737-7234, Email: (3) NSTC System Issues: 0800-212-058, 02-2737-7590, 02-2737-7591, 02-2737-7592 ※ Please ensure that all project participants adhere to the regulations on intellectual property rights and academic ethics when applying for or conducting research. ※ After the project is approved, it should be processed in accordance with the NSTC Guidelines for Subsidized Special Research Projects, Principles for Handling Research Project Grants, and other relevant regulations.
Project Application

NSTC Call for Applications: 2025 Interdisciplinary Research Program on the Core of Social Needs

1. Detailed Information:    2.This application is submitted online. Applicants are required to complete the following items in order and within the specified timeframe. (Late submissions will not be accepted by the R&D Department.) (1)NSTC online system: Before 2025/3/28(Fri) 9:00 AM (2)FLOW online system: Before 2025/3/28(Fri) 12:00 PM (System URL:, System manual: 3. Project Application Briefing Session(Conducting hybrid meetings synchronously) (1) Date: February 17, 2025 (Monday) at 3:30 PM (2) Venue: Meeting Room 13, 2nd Floor, No. 106, Section 2, Heping East Road, Taipei City (3) Registration URL: 4. Contact Information: (1) Contact Person (CGU): Pei-Heng, Shih, Ext: 3337, Email: (2) Contact Person (NSTC): I. Primary Coordinator:        Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development: Min-Hua, Tsai, Tel.: 02-2737-8070, Email: II. Co-coordinator: (i) Department of Engineering and Technologies: Yu-Hao, Wang, Tel.: 02-2737-7526, Email: (ii) Department of Life Sciences: Ting-Hua, Huang, Tel.: 02-2737-7542, Email: (iii) Department of Humanities and Social Sciences: Yung-Chen, Yuan, Tel.: 02-2737-7499, Email: (3) NSTC System Issues: 0800-212-058, 02-2737-7592 ※ Please ensure that all project participants adhere to the regulations on intellectual property rights and academic ethics when applying for or conducting research. ※ After the project is approved, it should be processed in accordance with the NSTC Guidelines for Subsidized Special Research Projects, Principles for Handling Research Project Grants, and other relevant regulations.
Project Application