張中明 / Chung-Ming Chang
職稱: 助理教授
現職: 長庚大學醫技系支援教師
信箱: cmchang@mail.cgu.edu.tw, chungming.chang@gmail.com
電話: 3584
學歷: 法國國立農業Paris-Grignon研究院 動物遺傳學博士
專長領域: 一個健康(One Health)、人畜共通疾病、檢驗試劑開發及商品化
個人網頁: https://cmclabtw.wixsite.com/cmclab
研究方向及研究室特色(Lab & Research Interest)
1. 自體免疫疾病及癌症之研究:利用次世代定序和生物資訊學在自體免疫疾病及癌症,遺傳學、基因體學及醫學研究應用。現擔任103至105年度科技部計畫台法雙邊協議專案型國際合作研究計畫,生物資訊與醫療資訊學門計畫 : 以缺少FAS與P2X7接收器之新穎小鼠品系鑑定自體免疫淋巴細胞增生症之關鍵基因與調控路徑之三年計畫的共同計畫主持人。
2. 動物遺傳學、基因體學、生物醫學、分子生物學及分子醫學:專長於病毒學、流行病學、基因體學及分子遺傳學之診斷醫學。具優良的新興病毒學、醫學生物和分子生物技術,還有血清學和免疫學診斷技術及細胞培養技術等。
3. 實驗動物及經濟動物獸醫學:具動物遺傳學博士學位、國家獸醫師執照、台大家畜醫院兼任住院醫師經歷。專精於小動物疾病之預防診斷和治療,小動物外科操作,實驗動物管理。並取得法國專業臨床禽病獸醫師證書,專精於禽病學,同時具備臨床及基礎研究能力。
4. 高等生物安全實驗室設計、操作及管理:在法國巴斯德研究所接受過完整高等安全生物實驗室設計、操作及管理的訓練,更有在第三級高等生物安全實驗室(P3)操作過高病原性禽流感病毒(H5N1)的實際經驗。
5. 奈米和光電生物科技結合醫學的臨床應用:擔任歐盟科研架構計畫主題國家聯絡據點團隊計畫,健康領域主題國家聯絡據點之共同計畫主持人 和國內外的生物科技學術和產業界有良好和密切的接觸,利用奈米和光電生物科技結合醫學的臨床應用經驗。
1. Vidic, J., Manzano, M., Chang, C.M. and Jaffrezic‑Renault, N. (2017). Advanced biosensors for detection of pathogens related to livestock and poultry. Veterinary Research. 48:11. (SCI)
2. Zhang, H., Chang, C.M., Shen K.N., Xian, W., Hsiao, C.D (2016). Identification of myogenic regulatory genes in the muscle transcriptome of beltfish (Trichiurus lepturus): A major commercial marine fish species with robust swimming ability. Genomics Data. 8, 81-84 (co-first author)
3. Luo J.D., Chang Y.J., Chang C.M., You, J.F., Wei, P.L., Chiou, C.C (2016). GeneGazer: A Toolkit integrating two pipelines for personalized profiling and biosignature identification. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 03-04;13(2):141-150 (SCI)
4. Tseng, C.H., Tsai, H.J., and Chang, C.M* (2014). A Complete Molecular Diagnostic Procedure for Applications in Surveillance and Subtyping of Avian Influenza Virus.Biomed Research International. 2014, 653056. (SCI) (*correspondence)
5. Pačes J., Huang Y-T., Pačes V., Ridl J and Chang, C-M* (2013) New Insight into Transcription of Human Endogenous Retroviral Elements. New Biotechnology, 30(3): 314-318.(SCI) (*correspondence)
6. Su, L-C., Chang, C-M., Tseng, Y-L., Chang, Y-F., Li, Y-C., Chang, Y-S., Chou, C (2012) Rapid and Highly Sensitive Method for Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Detection. Analytical Chemistry. 84, 3914-3920. (SCI) (Co-First Author)
7. Chang C-S., Chen C-F., Berthouly-Salazar C., Chazara O., Lee Y-P., Chang C-M., Chang K-H., Bed_Hom B., and Tixier-Boichard M (2011) A global analysis of molecular markers and phenotypic traits in local chicken breeds in Taiwan. Animal Genetics, 43, 172–182 (SCI)
8. Chen Y-T, Tsao Z, Chang S-T, Juang R-H, Wang L-C, Chang C-M, Wang C-H. (2012) Development of an antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using monoclonal antibodies for detecting H6 avian influenza viruses. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. 45, 243-247 (SCI)
9. Tsai T-S., Huang M-Y, Chang Y-T, Wang C-Y, Lin J-L, Hung P-C, Lin S-P, Sun C-F, Wang W-S, Chang C-M, Chang S-C, and Chu D-C (2011). High-resolution melting analysis is a more effective approach for screening TSC genes mutations. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 15, 415-421. (SCI)
10.Wu Y P., Chang C-M., Hung C Y., Tsai M C, Schuyler S C., and Wang R Y. (2011). Japanese encephalitis virus co-opts the ER-stress response protein GRP78 for viral infectivity. Virology Journal 8, 128. (SCI)(Co-First authur)
11.Chang S-C, Chang C-M, Huang Y-C, Chiu C-H, Shih S-R, and Lin T-Y (2010). Preexisting antibodies against pandemic H1N1 2009 virus in Taiwan. Clinical Infectious Diseases 51,1465-7. (SCI)
12.Chiou C-C., Chen T-L., Tsao K-C., Shih S-R., Huang C-G., Huang Y-L & Chang C-M*. (2010) Detection of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus by allele discrimination. Clinica Chimica Acta 411:1080-3.(SCI) (*correspondence)
13.Huang K.S., Lee S.E., Yeh Y., Shen G.S., Mei E. & Chang C-M*. (2010) Taqman real-time quantitative PCR for identification of western flower thrip (Frankliniella occidentalis) for plant quarantine. Biology Letters, 6:555-7 (SCI)(*correspondence)
14.Lebarbenchon C., Chang C-M., Grandhomme V., Dietrich M., Kayser Y., Elguero E., Renaud F., Thomas F. & van der Werf S., Michel Gauthier-Clerc M. (2010) Avian Influenza Circulation in the Camargue (South of France) During the 2006–07 Season. Avian Diseases 54:446–9, (SCI)
15.Roche B., Lebarbenchon C., Gauthier-Clerc M., Chang C-M., Thomas F., Renaud F., van der Werf S. & Guégan J.F. (2009) Water-borne transmission drives avian influenza dynamics in wild birds: the case of the 2005-2006 epidemics in the Camargue area. Infection Genetics and Evolution 9, 800-5. (SCI)
16.Chang C-M*., Lebarbenchon C., Gauthier-Clerc M., Le Bohec C., Beaune D., Le Maho Y. & van der Werf S. (2009) Molecular surveillance for avian influenza A virus in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Polar Biology 32, 663-5. (SCI) (*correspondence)
17.Lebarbenchon C., Chang C-M* (Co-correspondence)., Gauthier-Clerc M., Thomas F., Renaud F. & van der Werf S. (2009) H9N2 avian influenza virus in a Mediterranean gull. Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine 3, 121-3.
18.Lebarbenchon C., van der Werf S., Thomas F., Aubin J.T., Azebi S., Cuvelier F., Jeannin P., Roca V., Chang C-M., Kayser Y., Roche B., Guegan J.F., Renaud F. & Gauthier-Clerc M. (2007) Absence of detection of highly pathogenic H5N1 in migratory waterfowl in southern France in 2005-2006. Infection, genetics and evolution 7, 604-8. (SCI)
19.Lebarbenchon C., Chang C-M., van der Werf S., Aubin J.T., Kayser Y., Ballesteros M., Renaud F., Thomas F. & Gauthier-Clerc M. (2007) Influenza A virus in birds during spring migration in the Camargue, France. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43, 789-93. (SCI)
20.Chang C-M*., Furet J.P., Coville J.L., Coquerelle G., Gourichon D. & Tixier-Boichard M. (2007) Quantitative effects of an intronic retroviral insertion on the transcription of the tyrosinase gene in recessive white chickens. Animal Genetics 38, 162-7. (SCI) (*correspondence)
21.Chang C-M*., Coville J.L., Coquerelle G., Gourichon D., Oulmouden A. & Tixier-Boichard M. (2006) Complete association between a retroviral insertion in the tyrosinase gene and the recessive white mutation in chickens. BMC Genomics 7, 19. (SCI) (*correspondence)
22.Wang C-H. & Chang C-M. (2000) Pathogenicity and gene analysis of adenovirus from pigeons with inclusion body hepatitis. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 62, 989-93. (SCI)
23.Wang C.H. & Chang C-M. (2000) Two nucleic acid detecting methods applied in pigeon adenovirus. Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Science 26, 204-12.