
林美惠 / Mei-Hui Lin

職稱: 副教授

現職: 長庚大學醫技系專任教師

信箱: thea@mail.cgu.edu.tw

電話: 5206

學歷: 長庚大學生物醫學研究所博士

專長領域: 臨床細菌學、細菌遺傳學、分子生物學

個人網頁: https://mip2.cgu.edu.tw/p/404-1078-15065.php?

研究方向及研究室特色(Lab & Research Interest)

Staphylococcus aureus is an important nosocomial and community-associated pathogen that causes a variety of human diseases. My studies are interested in the multicellular behaviors and pathogenesis of S. aureus. My research topics include:

(A)    Molecular mechanisms of colony spreading. Staphylococcus aureus is known to form giant colonies on the soft agar medium by a process called colony spreading. To identify the genes that are required for colony spreading, I mutagenized S. aureus with a mariner-based transposon, bursa aurealis. The genes that are involved in colony spreading are under investigation.

(B)    Interactions between S. aureus and host cells. 

(C)    Functional analysis of a virulence factor PrsA. PrsA is an extracytoplasmic lipoprotein which regulates late phase protein secretion. However the role of PrsA in S. aureus is notclear. To investigate the functions of PrsA in S. aureus, we constructed a prsA knockout strain (ΔprsA).Exoprotein analysis revealed that PrsA influences several exoproteins secretion. The results from a mouse model of intravenous infection and phagocytosis assay also indicated that PrsA is involved in virulence and pathogenesis of S. aureus. The mechanisms involved in PrsA-mediated pathogenesis are further investigated.

(D)    Mechanisms of Reduced Vancomycin Susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus

(E)     Virulence analysis of Staphylococcus lugdunensis. Investigating the virulence factors of S. lugdunesis using transposon mutagenesis and Caenorhabditis elegans infection model.


Research articles:

1.       MH Lin, CC Li, JC Shu, HW Chu, CC Liu, and CC Wu. 2018. Exoproteome Profiling Reveals the Involvement of the Foldase PrsA in the Cell Surface Properties and Pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus. Proteomics. 18 (5-6): e1700195 [ SCI]

2.       HY Chen, MH Lin, CC Chen, JC Shu. 2017. The expression of fibronectin is significantly suppressed in macrophages to exert a protective effect against Staphylococcus aureus infection. BMC Microbiol. 17:92. [ SCI]

3.        MH Lin*, WJ Ke, CC Liu, MW Yang. 2016. Modulation of Staphylococcus aureus spreading by water. Scientific Reports 6:25233. (*correspondence) [ SCI]

4.        MH Lin, JC Shu, LP Lin, KY Chong, YW Cheng1, JF Du, ST Liu. 2015. Elucidating the crucial role of Poly N-acetylglucosamine from Staphylococcus aureus in cellular adhesion and pathogenesis. PLoS ONE 10:e0124216.

5.        CY Hsu*, JC Shu*, MH Lin, KYu Chong, CC Chen, SM Wen, YT Hsieh, WT Liao. 2015. High Glucose Concentration Promotes Vancomycin-Enhanced Biofilm Formation of Vancomycin -Non-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus in Diabetic Mice. PLoS ONE 10:e0134852. (*Contribution equally) [ SCI]

6.        CJ Chen, MH Lin, JC Shu, JJ Lu. 2014. Reduced susceptibility to vancomycin in isogenic Staphylococcus aureus strains of sequence type 59: Tracking evolution and identifying mutations by whole-genome sequencing. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 69:349-354. [SCI]

7.        YT Hsieh#, MH Lin#, HY Ho, CC Chen, LC Chen, JC Shu. 2013. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient epithelial cells are less tolerant to infection by Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS ONE  8:e79566. ( #Contribution equally) [ SCI]

8.       MH Lin, JF Fu and ST Liu. 2013. A repeat 1 sequence causes competition of ColE1-type plasmids. PLoS ONE  8:e61668 [ SCI]

9.       MH Lin *, Shu JC, HY Huang and YC Chang. 2012. Involvement of iron in biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS ONE 7:e34388 (*correspondence) [ SCI]

10.    CY Hsu #, MH Lin#, CC Chen, SC Chien, YH Cheng, IN Su, JC Shu. 2011. Vancomycin promotes the bacterial autolysis, release of extracellular DNA, and biofilm formation in vancomycin-non - susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology. 1:1-12 ( #Contribution equally) [ SCI]

11.    MH Lin, FR Chang, MY Hua and S.T. Liu., 2011. ”Inhibitory effect of   1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranose on biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus”, Antimicrobial Agents &Chemotherapy. 55:1021-7. [SCI]

12.    HY Chen, CC Chen, CS Fang, YT Hsieh, MH Lin, and JC Shu. 2011. “Vancomycin activates σB in vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus resulting in the enhancement of cytotoxicity”. PLoS ONE. 6:e24472. [ SCI]


1.       MH Lin, FR Chang, MY Hua, HW Yang and ST Liu. Inhibition of biofilm formation by 1,2,3,4,6-penta-o-galloyl-D-glucopyranose. United States Patent. (Patent No: US 9,181,290 B2) (Patent Period: Nov. 10, 2015 – Jan. 29, 2032)

2.       林美惠、張芳榮、華沐怡、楊閎蔚、劉世東利用1,2,3,4,6--O-沒食子醯基-D-      喃糖來抑制生物膜形成中華民國專利。專利案號: I-415572,專利權期: 20131121日至2031616