敬邀參與健康暨長期照護產業碩士學程外國學者講座。本學程很榮幸邀請到美國南加州大學(USC)足外科與神經外科教授David G. Armstrong至長庚大學進行線上演講。

一、演講主題:”The Diabetic Foot in 2024: A Marriage of Team, Technology, and Tenacity”
二、主講人:Dr. David G. Armstrong 
Dr. David G. Armstrong為美國南加州大學(USC)醫學院外科及神經外科教授、南加州大學肢體保護計畫主任、西南學術肢體救援聯盟(SALSA)主任、南加州大學凱克醫學院、南加大醫療保健中心主任。Dr. Armstrong是美國足外科與神經外科醫師和研究員,其在截肢預防、糖尿病足及傷口癒合領域的臨床研究廣受世界認可。Dr. Armstrong是南加州大學凱克醫學院外科終身教授,並擔任西南學術肢體救援聯盟(SALSA)主任。Dr. Armstrong是已發表超過700篇同儕審查論文和115個以上的書籍章節。David G. Armstrong (個人網站https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/david-g-armstrong/)
三、時間:2024年12月3日(二) 上午9:10-11:00(線上)

Guest Speaker from the University of Southern California (USC)
Dr. Armstrong is Professor of Surgery and Neurological Surgery with Tenure at the University of Southern California.
Details as follows:
1. Lecture Topic: “The Diabetic Foot in 2024: A Marriage of Team, Technology, and Tenacity”
2. Speaker: Dr. David G. Armstrong (https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/david-g-armstrong/)
   o Professor of Surgery and Neurological Surgery
   o Director, USC Limb Preservation Program
   o Director, Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA)
   o Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California (USC)
   o Director, USC Center to Stream Healthcare in Place
Dr. Armstrong is a renowned American podiatric surgeon and researcher, recognized for his contributions to amputation prevention, diabetic foot care, and wound healing. He holds a tenured professorship in Surgery and has authored over 700 peer-reviewed articles and more than 115 book chapters.
3. Date and Time: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, from 9:10 to 11:00 am (Online) The webinar link: https://tinyurl.com/yc3wpujn 
Language: English
