更新日期: 2023/2/22



Ø  現任長庚大學物理治療系 特聘教授 (2022.08~迄今)       

Ø  長庚大學物理治療系教授 (2003.08~迄今)

Ø  長庚大學物理治療系系主任暨所長(2003.08~2017)

Ø  長庚大學物理治療系副教授(2000.08~2003.07) 

Ø  長庚大學物理治療系助理教授(1997.08~2000.07) 

Ø  長庚醫療體系-基隆院區研究顧問 (2010~迄今

Ø  弘昇健康科技股份有限公司產學合作顧問 (2020.09~迄今)

Ø  壢新醫院醫療評鑑顧問 (2014~2017)     

n   史丹佛大學評為20212022年全球前 2%「終身成就科學影響力」頂尖科學家 

n   發表國際性學術論文>150(SCI)H-index: 38

n   第一屆科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎得主

n   科技部高等學校特殊人才獎[A] (2013~2019)

n    中山醫大傑出校友獎、成功大學醫學院傑出成就獎

n   產學合作與專利位列共同發明人:14 

ü 運動劑量科學化:運動處方與健康促進/疾病預防
ü 結合環境因子之創新復健醫療策略:運動合併低氧介入與健康促進/疾病預防
ü 心臟衰竭之生物/功能指標至臨床治療:轉譯復健醫學之實踐與落實
ü 運動生理、運動處方、運動營養、藥物學  (具有中華民國註冊藥師物理治療師證照)
ü 心肺生理學、心肺物理治療學、應用生理學、運動生理學、運動科學研究、運動處方與健康


1.  Hsu, C.-C. et al. Supervised Cycling Training Improves Erythrocyte Rheology in Individuals With Peripheral Arterial Disease. Frontiers in Physiology 12, 2376 (2022).

2.  Chao, K.Y., Liu, W.L., Nassef, Y., Lai, P.Z. & Wang, J.S. A pilot crossover trial assessing the exercise performance patients chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Sci Rep 12, 4158 (2022).

3.  Chao, K.Y., Wang, J.S. & Liu, W.L. Role of helmet ventilation during the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic. Sci Prog 105, 368504221092891 (2022).

4.  Lin, M.L. et al. Exercise Training Improves Mitochondrial Bioenergetics of Natural Killer Cells. Med Sci Sports Exerc 54, 751-760 (2022).

5.  Huang, S.C. et al. Stepper-Based Training Improves Monocyte-Platelet Aggregation and Thrombin Generation in Nonambulatory Hemiplegic Patients. Med Sci Sports Exerc 54, 821-829 (2022).

6.  Lim, A.Y., Chen, Y.-C., Hsu, C.-C., Fu, T.-C. & Wang, J.-S. The Effects of Exercise Training on Mitochondrial Function in Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 12559 (2022).


1.   Liu, H.C., Han, D.S., Hsu, C.C. & Wang, J.S. Circulating MicroRNA-486 and MicroRNA-146a serve as potential biomarkers of sarcopenia in the older adults. BMC Geriatr 21, 86 (2021).

2.   Lin, M.L., et al. Cycling Exercise Training Enhances Platelet Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Thromb Haemost 121, 900-912 (2021).

3.   Huang, Y.C., Hsu, C.C., Fu, T.C. & Wang, J.S. A randomized controlled trial of enhancing hypoxia-mediated right cardiac mechanics and reducing afterload after high intensity interval training in sedentary men. Sci Rep 11, 12564 (2021).

4.   Huang, Y.C., et al. Eccentric Cycling Training Improves Erythrocyte Antioxidant and Oxygen Releasing Capacity Associated with Enhanced Anaerobic Glycolysis and Intracellular Acidosis. Antioxidants (Basel) 10(2021).

5.   Lin, C.L., Wang, J.S., Fu, T.C., Hsu, C.C. & Huang, Y.C. Hypoxic Exercise Training Elevates Erythrocyte Aggregation. Applied Sciences-Basel 11, 6038 (2021).

6.   Hsu, C.C., Fu, T.C., Huang, S.C., Chen, C.P. & Wang, J.S. Increased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor with high-intensity interval training in stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. Ann Phys Rehabil Med 64, 101385 (2021).

7.   Liu, K.C. et al. Low-Frequency Vibration Facilitates Post-Exercise Cardiovascular Autonomic Recovery. J Sports Sci Med 20, 431-437 (2021).

8.   Han, S.C. et al. The validation of oxygen uptake efficiency slope in patients with stroke. Medicine (Baltimore) 100, e27384 (2021).

9.   Kuo, M.S. et al. Different Involvement of Band 3 in Red Cell Deformability and Osmotic Fragility-A Comparative GP.Mur Erythrocyte Study. Cells 10 (2021).

10. Chao, K.-Y., Liu, W.-L., Nassef, Y., Tseng, C.-W. & Wang, J.-S. Effects of high-flow nasal cannula with oxygen on self-paced exercise performance in COPD: A randomized cross-over trial. Medicine 100 (2021).


1. Wang, J.S. Response. Med Sci Sports Exerc 51, 2424 (2019).

2. Tseng, M.Y., et al. Effects of a diabetes-specific care model for hip fractured older patients with diabetes: A randomized controlled trial. Exp Gerontol 126, 110689 (2019).

3. Tseng, M.Y., et al. Diabetic neuropathies influence recovery from hip-fracture surgery in older persons with diabetes. Exp Gerontol 119, 168-173 (2019).

4. Kuo, W.Y., et al. Adherence to Home-Based Rehabilitation in Older Adults With Diabetes After Hip Fracture. Nurs Res 68, 383-389 (2019).

5. Huang, Y.C., Tsai, H.H., Fu, T.C., Hsu, C.C. & Wang, J.S. High-Intensity Interval Training Improves Left Ventricular Contractile Function. Med Sci Sports Exerc 51, 1420-1428 (2019).

6. Huang, Y.C., Hsu, C.C. & Wang, J.S. High-Intensity Interval Training Improves Erythrocyte Osmotic Deformability. Med Sci Sports Exerc 51, 1404-1412 (2019).

7. Hsu, C.C., et al. High-Intensity Interval Training is Associated with Improved Long-Term Survival in Heart Failure Patients. J Clin Med 8(2019).

8. Chou, C.H., et al. High-intensity interval training enhances mitochondrial bioenergetics of platelets in patients with heart failure. Int J Cardiol 274, 214-220 (2019).


1. Wang, J.S. Effect of exercise training on exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Int J Cardiol 261, 144-145 (2018).

2. Huang, S.C., Liu, K.C., Wong, A.M.K., Chang, S.C. & Wang, J.S. Cardiovascular Autonomic Response to Orthostatic Stress Under Hypoxia in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. High Alt Med Biol 19, 201-207 (2018).

3. Hsieh, C.C., et al. The Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality-Based Tai Chi Exercise on Cognitive and Physical Function in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 46, 358-370 (2018).

4. Chen, Y.J., et al. Cerebral desaturation in heart failure: Potential prognostic value and physiologic basis. PLoS One 13, e0196299 (2018).

5. Chen, Y.C., Chou, W.Y., Fu, T.C. & Wang, J.S. Effects of normoxic and hypoxic exercise training on the bactericidal capacity and subsequent apoptosis of neutrophils in sedentary men. Eur J Appl Ph


107優良教師       2021榮獲校內頒獎       2022頂尖頒獎

王鐘賢教授榮獲107年研究獎優良教師,20212022年連續獲得史丹佛大學評為20212022年全球前 2%「終身成就科學影響力」頂尖科學家,並獲得長庚大學校方鼓勵與頒獎