
公布本校2022-2023年獲選為Essential Science Indicators高被引論文清單

科睿唯安Essential Science Indicators(ESI)資料庫定期評選過去10年間,各領域被引用次數最高的前1%文章為高被引論文。(高被引論文評選機制介紹:https://webofscience.help.clarivate.com/zh-tw/Content/esi-highly-cited-papers.html)






1. 醫學系 張國軒教授(通訊作者)
Biomarker of Neuroinflammation in Parkinson's Disease (Int J Mol Sci



2. 生物醫學工程學系 賴瑞陽教授(通訊作者)

Poly(l-Histidine)-Mediated On-Demand Therapeutic Delivery of Roughened Ceria Nanocages for Treatment of Chemical Eye Injury (Adv Sci 2023;10:e2302174)


3. 醫學系 李孟教授(第一作者)

Association Between Intensity of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Reduction With Statin-Based Therapies and Secondary Stroke Prevention: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials (JAMA Neurol 2022;79:349-358)


4. 醫學系 鄭文睿教授(第一作者)

Hepatitis B (Lancet 2023;401:1039-1052)


5. 物理治療學系 陳昭縈助理教授(第一作者)

Exploring mediational roles for self-stigma in associations between types of problematic use of internet and psychological distress in youth with ADHD (Res Dev Disabil 2023;133:104410)