研究方向(Research interests) |
l動作學習過程中之錯誤偵測(Error detection in movement and motor learning)
l人機介面應用與開發(Application & development of Brain-Machine Interface)
l中風患者異常動作控制與治療策略 (Abnormal motor control and treatment strategies in stroke)
l動作學習與動作皮質使用性塑性促進策略 (Strategies to promote motor skill learning and brain plasticity)
研究設備(Research tools) |
l肌電圖 (Kinesiology EMG)
l中樞神經系統與周邊神經系統神經興奮性測試儀器(穿顱磁刺激與臨床神經生理測試) Central & Peripheral excitability testing of nervous system (TMS & Clinical Neurophysiological testing)
l動作與步態分析系統(Motion & Gait analysis)
l腦電圖與事件相關電位紀錄系統 (EEG & ERP)
動作控制與學術研究室 (Motor Control and Learning Laboratory)
點閱 : 271