
鄭竹珊 / Jur-Shan Cheng

職稱: 副教授

現職: 生物醫學系 副教授

信箱: jscheng@mail.cgu.edu.tw

電話: +886-3-211-8800 ext.3810

學歷: 美國加州大學柏克萊分校醫療服務與政策分析博士

專長領域: 醫療科技評估





  1. Chang ML, Cheng JS, Chen WT, Hsu CW, Chen KH, Chen YC, Chien RN. Long-term renal function alterations in hepatitis C patients with SVRs: Impacts of therapies and mixed cryoglobulinemia. J Infect Public Health. 2024;17(3):486-494.
  2. Cheng JS, Chen WT, Ku HP, Chien RN, Chang ML. Characteristic geoepidemiology of primary biliary cholangitis in Taiwan: A nationwide population-based study. Hepatol Res. 2023;53(9):866-877.
  3. Huang SW, Cheng JS, Chen WT, Wu TS, Ku HP, Yeh CN, Chien RN, Chang ML. Hepatitis C accelerates extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma risk: a joint study of hospital-based cases and nationwide population-based cohorts in a viral hepatitis-endemic area. Am J Cancer Res. 2023;13(7):3080-3090.
  4. Lee CC, Cheng JS, Chang YJ, Chen YC, Hsin YC, Chiu CH. Serious bacterial infections in young children with fever without source after discharge from emergency department: A National Health Insurance database cohort study. Pediatr Neonatol. 2022;63(5):527-534.
  5. Lee KC, Cheng JS, Chang ML, Chien RN, Liaw YF. Comparable outcomes of decompensated chronic hepatitis B patients treated with entecavir or tenofovir: an 8-year cohort study. Hepatol Int. 2022;16(4):799-806.
  6. Cheng JS, Chen TC, Chen TD, Ku HP, Huang SW, Wu TS, Chien RN, Chang ML. Association between breast cancer and hepatitis C: A joint study of hospitalized patients and nationwide cohorts. Transl Res. 2022;245:117-129.
  7. Chang ML, Cheng JS, Chuang YH, Pao LH, Wu TS, Chen SC, Chang MY, Chien RN. Evolution of Cryoglobulinemia in Direct-Acting Antiviral-Treated Asian Hepatitis C Patients With Sustained Virological Responses: A 4-Year Prospective Cohort Study. Front Immunol. 2022;13:823160.
  8. Hsu JY, Chang CJ, Cheng JS. Survival, treatment regimens and medical costs of women newly diagnosed with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):729.
  9. Cheng JS, Hu JH, Chang MY, Lin MS, Ku HP, Chien RN, Chang ML. Hepatitis C-associated late-onset schizophrenia: a nationwide, population-based cohort study. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2021;46(6):E583-E591.
  10. Wu MH, Lin YS, Wu C, Lee CY, Chen YC, Huang TJ, Cheng JS. Timing of Bisphosphonate (Alendronate) Initiation after Surgery for Fragility Fracture: A Population-Based Cohort Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(12):2541.
  11. Chu YY, Cheng JS, Wu TS, Chen CW, Chang MY, Ku HP, Chien RN, Chang ML. Association between Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Esophageal Cancer: An Asian Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(11):2395.
  12. Chen CJ, Cheng JS, Wang HE, Huang CW, Hu JH, Chen WT, Chang MY, Ku HP, Lin CY, Chien RN, Chang ML. Identification of the Representative Primary Biliary Cholangitis Cohort in Taiwan: A Comparison of Four Nationwide Cohorts. J Clin Med. 2021;10(11):2226.
  13. Nguyen TT, Cheng JS, Chen YL, Lin YC, Tsai CC, Lu CS, Weng YH, Wu YM, Hoang NT, Wang JJ. Fixel-Based Analysis of White Matter Degeneration in Patients With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy or Multiple System Atrophy, as Compared to Parkinson's Disease. Front Aging Neurosci. 2021;13:625874.
  14. Cheng JS, Lin YS, Hu JH, Chang MY, Ku HP, Chien RN, Chang ML. Impact of Interferon-Based Therapy on Hepatitis C-Associated Rheumatic Diseases: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(4):817.
  15. Chang ML, Cheng JS, Chien RN, Liaw YF. Hepatitis Flares Are Associated With Better Outcomes Than No Flare in Patients With Decompensated Cirrhosis and Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(9):2064-2072.
  16. Cheng YT, Cheng JS, Lin CH, Chen TH, Lee KC, Chang ML. Rheumatoid factor and immunoglobulin M mark hepatitis C-associated mixed cryoglobulinaemia: an 8-year prospective study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2020;26(3):366-372.
  17. Yu SF, Cheng JS, Chen YC, Chen JF, Hsu CY, Lai HM, Ko CH, Chiu WC, Su YJ, Cheng TT. Adherence to anti-osteoporosis medication associated with lower mortality following hip fracture in older adults: a nationwide propensity score-matched cohort study. BMC Geriatr. 2019;19(1):290.
  18. Chen CW, Cheng JS, Chen TD, Le PH, Ku HP, Chang ML. The irreversible HCV-associated risk of gastric cancer following interferon-based therapy: a joint study of hospital-based cases and nationwide population-based cohorts. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2019;12:1756284819855732.
  19. Hsu YH, Cheng JS, Ouyang WC, Lin CL, Huang CT, Hsu CC. Lower Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease but Suboptimal Pre-Dialysis Renal Care in Schizophrenia: A 14-Year Nationwide Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0140510.
  20. Cheng JS, Tsai WC, Lin CL, Chen L, Lang HC, Hsieh HM, Shin SJ, Chen T, Huang CT, Hsu CC. Trend and factors associated with healthcare use and costs in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a decade experience of a universal health insurance program. Med Care. 2015;53(2):116-24.
  21. Liu YM, Cheng JS. Determinants of generic entry in the regulated Taiwanese prescription drug market. Health Policy. 2012 Dec;108(2-3):228-35.
  22. Hsu CC, Lee CH, Wahlqvist ML, Huang HL, Chang HY, Chen L, Shih SF, Shin SJ, Tsai WC, Chen T, Huang CT, Cheng JS. Poverty increases type 2 diabetes incidence and inequality of care despite universal health coverage. Diabetes Care. 2012;35(11):2286-92.