
溫有汶 / Yu-Wen Wen

職稱: 副教授

現職: 生物醫學系 副教授 / Associate Professor

信箱: ywwen@mail.cgu.edu.tw

電話: +886-3-211-8800 ext. 3759

學歷: 政治大學統計博士

專長領域: 生物統計、成本效益分析、傳染性疾病建模


My research focuses on applying statistical methods to analyze real-world databases to answer important clinical issues including treatment evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis.



  1. Yang TY, Wen YW, Chao YK. Impact of Weekend Effect on Short- and Long-Term Survival of Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Cancer: A Population-Based, Inverse Probability of Treatment-Weighted Analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology. Feb, 2023.
  2. Chueh CH, Tsai YW, Chen ZR, Shiu MN, Wen YW, Chiang NJ. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a New Second-Line Treatment Regimen for Advanced Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Biomarker-Driven Targeted Therapy of Pemigatinib Versus 5-FU Chemotherapy. Pharmacoeconomics. Mar, 2023. 41(3), 307-319.
  3. Tsai CY, Wen YW, Lee SR, Ng SH, Kang CJ, Lee LY, Hsueh C, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Yeh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Lee LA, Fang KH, Wang YC, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Liao CT. Early Relapse is an Adverse Prognostic Factor for Survival Outcomes in Patients With Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Results from a Nationwide Registry Study. BMC Cancer. Feb, 2023. 23(1), 126.
  4. Wen YW, Wang IT, Hu YT, Cheng HM, Cheng KW, Shiu MN, Tsai YW. Duration of Varenicline Prescription and Efficacy of Smoking Cessation Treatment: An Observational Study in Taiwan. Preventive Medicine. Aug, 2022. 161, 107091.
  5. Hsieh MJ, Park SY, Wen YW, Kim DJ, Chiu CH, Chao YK. Impact of Prior Thoracoscopic Experience on The Learning Curve of Robotic McKeown Esophagectomy: A Multidimensional Analysis. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques. Aug, 2022. 36(8), 5635-5643.
  6. Fang HY, Chen KA, Wen YW, Wen CT, Pan KT, Chiu CH, Hsieh MJ, Chao YK. Efficacy and Safety of Preoperative vs. Intraoperative Computed Tomography-Guided Lung Tumor Localization: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Surgery. Jan, 2022. 8, 809908.
  7. Chuang HY, Wen YW, Chen LK, Hsiao FY. Drug Use at The End of Life in Older Adults. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Dec, 2022. 12(e6), e803-e812.
  8. Liao CT, Lee LY, Lee SR, Ng SH, Liu TW, Chien CY, Lin JC, Wang CP, Terng SD, Hua CH, Chen TM, Chen WC, Tsai YT, Kang CJ, Tsai CY, Chu YH, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Yeh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Lee LA, Fang KH, Wang YC, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, Wen YW. Optimizing Margin Status for Improving Prognosis in Patients with Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study from The Two Highest-Volume Taiwanese Hospitals. Frontiers in Oncology. Nov, 2022. 12, 1019555.
  9. Liao CT, Lee LY, Lee SR, Ng SH, Kang CJ, Tsai CY, Chu YH, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Yeh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Lee LA, Fang KH, Wang YC, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, and Wen YW. Adverse Prognostic Significance of Poor Tumor Differentiation in Patients With Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Nationwide Registry-Based Study in Taiwan. International Journal of Head and Neck Science. Dec, 2022. 6(2), 72-83.
  10. Kang CJ, Wen YW, Lee SR, Ng SH, Tsai CY, Lee LY, Chu YH, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Yeh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Lee LA, Fang KH, Wang YC, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Liao CT. Towards an Improved Pathological Node Classification for Prognostic Stratification of Patients With Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Results From a Nationwide Registry Study. Frontiers in Oncology. Jun, 2022. 12, 910158.
  11. Liao CT, Wen YW, Lee SR, Ng SH, Liu TW, Tsai ST, Tsai MH, Lin JC, Chien CY, Lou PJ, Wang CP, Chu PY, Leu YS, Tsai KY, Terng SD, Chen TM, Wang CH, Chen WC, Lee LY, Lin CY, Wang HM, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Kang CJ, Chang KP, Yen TC, Yang LY, Lin CH; Taiwan Oral Cavity Cancer Advisory Group. Clinical Outcomes of Taiwanese Patients with Resected Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Underwent Reconstruction with Free Versus Local Flaps. Annals of Surgical Oncology. Feb, 2022. 29(2), 1130-1140.
  12. Gao X, Wen YW, van Lanschot JJB, Chao YK. Neoadjuvant Therapy Versus Upfront Surgery for Patients With Clinical Stage 2 or 3 Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology. Jun, 2022. 29(6), 3644-3653.
  13. Kang CJ, Wen YW, Lee SR, Ng SH, Lee LA, Lee LY, Hsueh C, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Yeh CH, Tsai CY, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Fang KH, Wang YC, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Liao CT. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with PT4a and PT4b Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Had Undergone Surgery: Results from a Taiwanese Registry-Based, Nationwide Cohort Study. Oral Oncology. Mar, 2022. 126, 105750.
  14. Lin YJ, Chang YC, Wen YW, Chan SC, Chao YK. Predicting the Risk of Interval Distant Metastases in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Nov, 2021. 121(2), 539-545.
  15. Lee WJ, Peng LN, Lin CH, Chen RC, Lin SZ, Loh CH, Kao SL, Hung TS, Chang CY, Huang CF, Tang TC, Huang ST, Wen YW, Hsiao FY, Chen LK; Taiwan Integrated Geriatric Care Study Group. Effects of Incorporating Multidomain Interventions into Integrated Primary Care on Quality of Life: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Lancet Healthy Longevity. Nov, 2021. 2(11), e712-e723.
  16. Hsu WH, Huang ST, Lu WH, Wen YW, Chen LK, Hsiao FY. Impact of Multiple Prescriptions With Anticholinergic Properties on Adverse Clinical Outcomes in the Elderly: A Longitudinal Cohort Study in Taiwan. Clinical Pharamacology & Therapeutics. Oct, 2021. 110(4), 966-974.
  17. Chang SL, Hu S, Huang YL, Lee MC, Chung WH, Cheng CY, Hsiao YC, Chang CJ, Lee SR, Chang SW, Wen YW. Treatment of Varicose Veins Affects the Incidences of Venous Thromboembolism and Peripheral Artery Disease. Circulation-Cardiovascular Interventions. Mar, 2021. 14(3), e010207.
  18. Kang CJ, Wen YW, Lee SR, Lee LY, Hsueh C, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Ng SH, Yeh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Lee LA, Fang KH, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Tsai TY, Tai SF, Tsai CY. Surgical Margins Status and Prognosis after Resection of Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Results from a Taiwanese Nationwide Registry-Based Study. Cancers. Dec, 2021. 14(1), 15.
  19. Tsai CY, Lee SR, Lee LY, Hsueh C, Lin CY, Fan KH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Ng SH, Yeh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Fang TJ, Huang SF, Lee LA, Kang CJ, Fang KH, Wang YC, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, Yen TC, Cheng NM, Wen YW, Liao CT. Clinical Outcomes of Taiwanese Patients with Resected Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Upper and Lower Gum. Oral Oncology. Jul, 2021. 118, 105334.
  20. Lu YA, Tsai MS, Lee LA, Lee SR, Lin LY, Chang CF, Lin WN, Hsin LJ, Liao CT, Li HY, Wen YW, Fang TJ. Seeking Medical Assistance for Dysphonia Is Associated with an Improved Survival Rate in Laryngeal Cancer: Real-World Evidence. Diagnostics. Feb, 2021. 11(2), 255.
  21. Chao YK, Wen YW. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Thoracoscopic versus Open Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Population-Based Study. Diseases of the Esophagus. Aug, 2021. 34(8), doaa116.
  22. Chen YZ, Huang ST, Wen YW, Chen LK, Hsiao FY. Combined Effects of Frailty and Polypharmacy on Health Outcomes in Older Adults: Frailty Outweighs Polypharmacy. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. Mar, 2021. 22(3), 606.e7-606.e18.
  23. Chao YK, Wen YW, Chuang WY, Cerfolio RJ. Transition from Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic to Robotic Esophagectomy: A Single Surgeon’s Experience. Diseases of the Esophagus. Mar, 2020. 33(2), doz033.
  24. Cheng C, Wen YW, Tsai CY, Chao YK. Impact of Child-Pugh Class A Liver Cirrhosis on Perioperative Outcomes of Patients with Oesophageal Cancer: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Oct, 2020. 25, ezaa334.
  25. Lin CY, Fan KH, Lee LY, Hsueh C, Yang LY, Ng SH, Wang HM, Hsieh CH, Lin CH, Tsao CK, Kang CJ, Fang TJ, Lee LA, Huang SF, Chang KP, Yen TC, Tay ZY, Wen YW, Lee SR, Liao CT. Precision Adjuvant Therapy Based on Detailed Pathologic Risk Factors for Resected Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Long-Term Outcome Comparison of CGMH and NCCN Guidelines. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. Apr, 2020. 106(5), 916-925.