
蔡佩倩 / Pei-Chien Tsai

職稱: 副教授

現職: 生物醫學系 副教授 ; 碩士班執行長 / Associate Professor

信箱: pctsai@mail.cgu.edu.tw

電話: +886-3-211-8800 ext.3857

學歷: Ph.D. in Epigenetics, King’s College London, UK

專長領域: 大數據生物資訊基因體統計、 基因流行病學、醫用生物統計


My primary research interest is in studying the causes and consequences of epigenetic variations in humans, and their interactions with transcriptomics to alter phenotypic changes, using computational methods on large-scale genomic datasets (e.g. gene expression, methylation, genotyping). My current research topics include:
  1. Identifying the epigenetic biomarkers of healthy ageing (e.g. age-related phenotypes, age-related diseases);
  2. Establishing a computational platform for other researchers, and improving the software for data interpretation;
  3. Understanding the interplay between gene-gene and gene-environment interactions



  1. Wahl S*, Drong A*, Lehne B*, Loh M*, Scott WR*, Kunze S, Tsai PC,……, Chambers JCl. Epigenome-wide association reveals extensive perturbations in DNA methylation associated with adiposity and its adverse metabolic consequences. Nature. 2017 Jan 5;541(7635):81:86
  2. Chen BH*, Marioni RE*, Colicino E*, Peters MJ, Ward-Caviness C, Tsai PC,……, Horvath S. Blood-based epigenetic measures of age that predict all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis. Aging. 2016 Sep;8(9):1844-1859.
  3. Yet I, Tsai PC, Castillo-Fernandez JE, Carnero-Montoro E, Bell JT. Genetic and environmental impacts on DNA methylation levels in twins. Epigenomics. 2016 Jan;8(1):105-117
  4. Zaghlool SB, Al Muftah WA, Al-Shafai M, Visconti A, Tsai PC, Kumar P, Spector TD, Bell JT, Falchi M, Suhre K. Epigenetic associations of Type 2 Diabetes and obesity in an Arab population. Clin Epigenetics. 2016 Jan 28;8:13
  5. Zierer J, Kastenmuller G, Suhre K, Gieger C, Codd V, Tsai PC, Bell J, Peters A, Strauch K, Schulz H, Weidinger S, Mohney RP, Samani NJ, Spector T, Mangino M, Menni C. Metabolomics profiling reveals novel markers for leukocyte telomere length. Ageing 2016, Jan;8(1):77-94.
  6. Mangino M, Cecelja M, Menni C, Tsai PC, Yuan W, Small K, Bell JT, Mitchell GF, AortaGen Consortium, Chowienczyk P, Spector TD. Integrated multi-omics approach identifies CIB2 as a novel gene for pulse wave velocity. Journal of Hypertension, 2016 Jan;34(1):79-87.
  7. Tsai PC and Bell JT. Power and sample size estimation for epigenome-wide association scans to detect differential DNA methylation. Int J Epidemiol. 2015. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv041
  8. Tsai PC, Van Dongen J, Tan Q, Willemsen G, Christiansen L, Boomsma DI, Spector TD, Valdes AM, Bell JT. Epigenetic changes in the IGF1R gene in birth weight discordant adult monozygotic twins. Twin Res & Human Genet. 2015:18(6):635-646.
  9. Martin TC, Yet I, Tsai PC, Bell JT. coMET: visualization of regional epigenome-wide association scan results and DNA co-methylation patterns. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015 Apr 28;16:131.
  10. Horvath S, Erhart W, Brosch M, Ammerpohl O, von Schönfels W, Ahrens M, Heits N, Bell JT, Tsai PC, Spector TD, Deloukas P, Siebert R, Sipos B, Becker T, Röcken C, Schafmayer C, Hampe J. Obesity accelerates epigenetic aging of human liver. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014 Oct 28;111(43):15538-43.
  11. Wolber LE, Steves CJ, Tsai PC, Deloukas P, Spector TD, Bell JT, Williams FM. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation in hearing ability: new mechanisms for an old problem. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 3;9(9):e105729.
  12. Davies MN, Krause L, Bell JT, Gao F, Ward KJ, Wu HL, Liu Y, Tsai PC, Collier DA, Murphy T, Dempster E, Mill J, Battle A, Mostafavi S, Zhu X, Henders A, Byrne E, Wray NR, Martin NG, Spector TD and Wang J. Hypermethylation in the ZBTB20 gene is associated with major depressive disorder. Genome Biology. 2014 15:R56.
  13. Menni C, Kastenmuller G, Petersen AK, Bell JT, Psatha M, Tsai PC, Gieger C, Schulz H, Erte I, John S, Brosnan JM, Wilxon S, Tsaprouni L, Lim EM, Stuckey B, Deloukas P, Mohney S, Suhre K, Spector TD, Valdes AM. Metabolomic markers reveal novel pathways of ageing and early development in human populations. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;42(4):1111-1119.
  14. Middleton KK, Hamilton T, Tsai PC, Middleton DB, Falcone JL, Hamad G. Improved nondominant hand performance on a laparoscopic virtual reality simulator after playing the Nintendo Wii. Surg Endosc. 2013 Nov 27(11):4224-31.
  15. Tsai PC, Spector TD, Bell JT. Using Epigenome-wide association scans of DNA methylation in age-related complex human traits. Epigenomics. 2012 Oct;4(5):511-26.
  16. Bell JT*, Tsai PC*, Yang TP, Pidsley R, Nisbet J, Glass D, Mangino M, Zhai G, Zhang F, Valdes A, Shin SY, Dempster EL, Murray RM, Grundberg E, Hedman AK, Nica A, Small KS; MuTHER Consortium, Dermitzakis ET, McCarthy MI, Mill J, Spector TD, Deloukas P. Epigenome-wide scans identify differentially methylated regions for age and age-related phenotypes in a healthy ageing population. PLoS Genet. 2012;8(4):e1002629. Epub 2012 Apr 19.
    *Equal contribution