History and Vision
History and Vision
History and Vision
Three years in the program of “Smart Living”, Chang Gung university established virtual department--- iHealth School in the purpose of focusing on cultivate interdisciplinary talents. “The Design School Medicine” was renamed “iHealth School” in 2018 academic year. It is an independent department, fill with intelligence, informatics and innovation. Chang Gung university’s features are biotechnology and healthcare, linked with humanities, technology, design and management, integrate local cultural features and industries.
The eight programs of iHealth School have the features of surpassing single department’s interdisciplinary programs. The purpose of interdisciplinary and education to integrate can be reach in this department. iHealth School encourage medical, engineering, management department professors cooperative teaching and provide chances for students to take courses.
iHealth School’s spirit is familiar with practice university social responsibility, when developing social responsibility practical innovation courses, Chang Gung university encourages professors add field practical in their department courses, or open new courses under iHealth School.
Under this program and innovative education, iHealth School form a long-term field experience teaching system, make education, research, service of Chang Gung university more figured.
The program system of “put new knowledge into practice”, complementarity between iHealth School and university social responsibility practice plan, reach innovation teaching and studies, construct an interdisciplinary tutor team with humanity care, health technology, life design and innovation management, lead Chang Gung university became an education, study and industrial innovation application, three outstanding and fulfilled social responsibilities’ university in the future.