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Research Areas 
Advanced Manufacturing and Precision Engineering Micro/Nano Engineering
Applied Material Science Optimization Computing and Numerical Analysis
Applied Mechanics, Electronic/Optoelectronic Packaging, Vibration, and Acoustics

Robotics and Mechatronics

Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Rehabilitation, and Surgical Navigation Systems Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering
Mechanical Design and Failure Analysis  

Advanced Manufacturing and Precision Engineering
Advanced manufacturing is to use of technologies to achieve high-throughput, less-pollution, and stable manufacturing process and obtain high-quality and environmental friendly products.
Precision engineering is a professional discipline that is studied for machines, fixtures, interfaces, and structures with exceptionally low tolerances. Research in our department includes nano-tribology, micro/nano contact and friction, and welding interface. 
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Prof. Ching-An Huang
Prof. Jiunn-Jong Wu
Prof. Ming-Yi Tsai
Applied Material Science
Study of applied material science involves the assembly of novel materials and the enhancement of mechanical properties by using advanced processing. Research in our department includes polymer processing, electrochemical machining, heat treatment, and corrosion engineering. 
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Prof. Shih-Jung Liu
Applied Mechanics, Electronic/Optoelectronic Packaging, Vibration, and Acoustics
Applied mechanics concerns with the change of physical behavior when a solid object is subjected to forces, displacements, and temperature. Electronic/optoelectronic packaging is a specific discipline that considers an electronic/optoelectronic system with the protection from mechanical damage, temperature, and electrostatic discharge. Vibration and acoustics are the study of mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids. 
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Prof. Ming-Yi Tsai Prof. Jen-Fang Yu
Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Rehabilitation, and Surgical Navigation Systems
Biomedical engineering is an inter-disciplinary area to interface the gap between engineering and medicine for enhancing healthcare diagnosis and treatment. Research in our department includes orthopaedic implants, rehabilitation systems, surgical navigation systems, bio-microfluidic devices, hearing aids, and heart sound analysis.
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Prof. Thomas Kin Fong Lei
Prof. Ming-Yih Lee
Prof. Jiunn-Woei Liaw
Prof. Ching-Lung Tai
Prof. De-Mei Lee
Prof. Chia-Hsuan Shen
Prof. Jen-Fang Yu
Mechanical Design and Failure Analysis
Mechanical design is by using creativity to design novel mechanical structures and systems. Failure analysis is a professional discipline involved collecting and analyzing data for the determination of the cause of a failure of machines, instrumentations, and building structures. 
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Prof. Ching-An Huang Prof. De-Mei Lee
Micro/Nano Engineering
Micro/nano engineering is a specific topic concerning things in micro/nano scale. Research in our department includes micro-electromechanical systems, nanooptics, and micro/nano contact. 
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Prof. Thomas Kin Fong Lei
Prof. Jiunn-Woei Liaw Prof. Jia-Hong Sun
Optimization Computing and Numerical Analysis
Optimization computing and numerical analysis are the sub-division of mechanical design that optimizes the performance of machine elements and systems by using computer programs such as finite element method. 
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Prof. Hsin-Yi Shih
Prof. Nen-Zi Wang
Prof. Ming-Tsung Sun
Robotics and Mechatronics
Robotics and mechatronics are the study of robots and machines including the development of mechanical design, electronics, control algorithm, and software implementation. Research in our department includes 3D visual system, augmented reality and intelligence control. 
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Prof. Ming-Yih Lee  
Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering
Thermodynamics involves experimental and analytical studies that converses energy into work. Research in our department includes combustion, propulsion, fire research, and thermal analysis.
Energy engineering is the study of improving energy efficiency and collecting energy from environment. Research in our department includes wind turbine and waste heat recovery.
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Prof. Ming-Tsung Sun