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Chang-Gung University

Department of Electrical Engineering

Approved: October 1, 2013





1.      Department of Electrical Engineering in Chang Gung University (denoted as ‘the department’ below) made the following requirements based on the Standards and Requirements for Graduate Degree Programs of Chang Gung University (長庚大學學則).

2.      Duration of a student’s PhD program must be between two to seven years. For students who possess a full-time job during the PhD program and have not finished all the requirements for graduation, the duration may be extended up to a total of eleven years if approved by the department.

3.      The department offers two tracks for the PhD program: (1) Communication and Systems (通訊與系統領域) and (2) Computer Science and Information Engineering (資訊工程領域). Students must stay in the track under which they were enrolled in the first place.

4.      Courses and credits:

             i.                The compulsory and elective courses must be completed as regulated by the PhD course planning made at the year of enrollment;

           ii.                Students who have not completed the dissertation defense must take the seminars every semester for at least eight semesters;

          iii.                Students must obtain the approval from their advisors or the Track Academic Review Committee (領域學術委員會) if the advisors are not decided yet for their plans to take specific elective courses;

         iv.                Except for compulsory courses (among which six credits of dissertation writing can be included after the dissertation defense), a student must complete at least 18 credits for elective courses. For the master-PhD students, at least 30 credits are required during the master-PhD duration and at least nine out of the 30 must be taken during the PhD duration.

5.      Advising:

             i.                All students must have the advisor decided within a year after enrollment. Dissertation mentor must be reviewed and approved by the track academic committee chair. During the PhD study, students are allowed to change the advisor for only once and such change must be approved by the original mentor and the track chair. Application for mentoring alternation must be submitted to the department between the end of February and August.

           ii.                If co-advising by faculties of other departments or institutions is required for special reasons, such co-advising must be submitted with necessary paperwork and approved by the track chair. At least one advisor must be a faculty from the department.

          iii.                A dissertation advisor must comply with one of the following conditions:

                             i.                A full professor or an associate professor

                           ii.                An assistant professor with excellent research track records and approved by the Academic Review Committee (學術委員會) of the Engineering School.

6.      Qualification exam:

A student will become a PhD candidate after completion of the following two requirements:

             i.                Qualification exam: All students must pass the qualification exam within three years after enrollment. Those who fail to complete such requirements will be expelled from the program. From the second semester after the completion of the qualification exam, students are responsible for reporting their research progress every semester according to a schedule that is decided by each track (Detailed see the Standards and Requirement of Qualification Examinations (長庚大學電機工程研究所博士班研究生資格考試規定)).

           ii.                Defense of the research proposal: The application for the oral exam of the research proposal must be submitted at the second semester after completion of the qualification exam. The committee for the research proposal exam must include at least two faculties qualified to advise PhD students. The student’s advisor must decide those faculties. The committee is responsible for reviewing the applicability of the proposed research plans.

If the first defense of the research proposal fails, another exam must be held within one year from the first exam. If the second exam fails again, the student will be expelled.

7.      Dissertation defense

Students are allowed to hold the dissertation defense by the completion of: (1) six months of becoming a candidate, (2) the research productivity has surpassed the Standards of Graduation of the Department (長庚大學電機工程研究所畢業標準), (3) submission of the Dissertation Defense Application Form (長庚大學工學院博士生學位考試申請表), (4) obtaining the approval from the department after reviewing (at least ten working days required for processing), (5) submitting the (a) Degree application form for the PhD degree completion of the Engineering School of the Chang Gung University (長庚大學工學院博士生學位考試申請表) and (b) oral exam record form for the PhD degree completion of the Engineering School of the Chang Gung University (長庚大學工學院博士學位口試記錄表) at least two weeks before the exam date. The defense could only be held with approval from the academic committee of each track.

             i.                The publication must be submitted under the Department of Electrical Engineering or the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering since the year of enrollment to be counted as graduation requirements.

           ii.                After the defense application is submitted, the Track Academic Review Committee (領域學術委員會) is responsible for reviewing the course history and research track records of the applicant.

          iii.                Members of the defense committee will be appointed by the Department Director.

         iv.                Committee members must meet at least one of the following conditions in addition to being experts of the topic for dissertation:

a.       Ranked as a full professor;

b.      Serving as a fellow of Academia Sinica or a current (past) full researcher of Academia Sinica;

c.       Ranked as an associate professor or an associate researcher of Academia Sinica with excellent research track records;

d.      Obtained outstanding academic achievements with a PhD degree.

The track academic committee will be responsible for reviewing of condition (c) and (d).

8.      All other miscellaneous details will be regulated by related rules of the department and the university.

9.      This regulation will become effective after approved by the department and signed by the university. The same procedure applies to the revision of this regulation. 

Date Category Title
2024/03/07 Information for Application
2024/03/07 Introduce EE
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