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History of EE, CGU

History of the Electrical Engineering (EE) Department

The department of Electrical Engineering was established in 1993. The initial program was designed for undergraduate students. In 1996, the department introduced the Master of Science program. Later in 1998, the Doctor of Philosophyprogram was introduced. Our department has since offered a range of comprehensive academic programs for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Currently, we recruit 100 undergraduate students and about 40 graduate students per year. The total number of students in our department is about 450, which makes out department the biggest in the Engineering College. The department has 23 full-time faculty members, including 5 full professors. Besides, the department continues to attract professionals and experts specializing in communications, power and control, and medical electronics.


Current achievement and outlooks of EE, CGU

The Communications Group mandate is to investigate communication network, wireless communication, network security, and optical-fiber communications. System Group, focus the development and research in the VLSI, SOC, electric power control, and medical electronics. The curriculum of the first two years focuses on the introduction of the basic discipline of electrical engineering. Senior students can take courses which fit their interests as well as to enhance their professional knowledge for future studies or career.

For many years, our department has been one of the first choices for many students. Our department offers one of the nation's most comprehensive educational and research programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We are also working closely with Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital , the Formosa Plastics Group, and many other institutions to conduct work-study programs. For examples, we have the opportunity to corporate with VIA co. Ltd. and Nan -Ya electronics co. Ltd. to develop the leading VLSI and SOC design. And we work with the Formosa Plastics to develop the electric control and power electronics plant. We also work with Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital , which is the biggest medical center in Taiwan , to develop leading medical instruments. Students are attracted to the Department of Electrical Engineering by the excellence of its faculty, and by the depth and breadth of its academic programs which are augmented by well-established laboratories and state-of-the-art educational facilities. Moreover, to fulfill the educational goal of combining theory and practice, the Department of Electrical Engineering and other departments implement the "extracurricular learning system." The "extracurricular learning system" follows the spirit of the "Industrial connection program" in MIT or "Corporate partnership" in Georgia Institute of Technology. This learning system is designed to create an environment conducive to enhanced and accelerated technology and knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Moreover, this learning system aims at providing a formal mechanism for interactions between companies and students of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

For the long-term development of EE, CGU, we will continue to improve our teaching staff, equipment, and instruction, while also encouraging our students to become socially responsible. This is how we plan to achieve our goal of becoming a first-class department in the world as well as broadening our students perspectives on life.