【演講公告】112年1月9日 法國里爾大學(University of Lille) Philippe COQUET教授演講

【演講公告】112年1月9日 法國里爾大學(University of Lille) Philippe COQUET教授演講

Title: «Presentation of CINTRA-Singapore : CNRS International NTU Thales Research Alliance»
演講者:Philippe COQUET / Professor
法國里爾大學(University of Lille)教授與新加坡南洋理工大學兼任教授
時間:112年1月9日(星期一) 14:00~16:00

This seminar will give a presentation of CINTRA IRL 3288 in Singapore.
CINTRA is a joint laboratory between CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research), Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU), and Thales, conducting research in the field of Nanotechnologies. The thematics include the study and development of 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D nano-materials, functional materials, and studies in optical metasurfaces, photonic crystals, plasmonics, optical fibers, single photon sources, and light matter interactions, with applications in the field of energy, high frequencies, devices&sensors, optics&photonics.