

姓名: 鄭 昌 錡  鄭主任

現職: 長庚大學醫學院醫學系人文及社會醫學科主任(2021年8月迄今) 






學歷: 私立中國醫藥大學醫學士 (1997年畢)

      長庚大學醫務管理研究所碩士 (2011年畢)



  1. 1999年7月至2002年6月於林口長庚紀念醫院內科部完成住院醫師訓練
  2. 2002年7月至2004年6月於林口長庚紀念醫院腎臟科系完成腎臟科研究員訓練
  3. 2004年7月1日迄今於林口長庚紀念醫院腎臟科系擔任主治醫師迄今


  • 2008年8月-2012年1月長庚大學醫學系臨床講師
  • 2011年1月起 林口長庚紀念醫院內科部醫學教育委員會委員
  • 2011年2月迄今 林口長庚紀念醫院專責教學主治醫師
  • 2012年2月-2014年1月長庚大學醫學系專任臨床講師
  • 2014年2月-2019年2月長庚大學醫學系臨床助理教授
  • 2019年3月迄今 長庚大學醫學系內科臨床副教


  • 2003年度林口長庚紀念醫院優良教學住院醫師
  • 2012年度林口長庚紀念醫院最優教師
  • 2013年長庚大學醫學院推薦年度教學獎優良教師代表
  • 2014年長庚大學醫學院教學獎
  • 2008,2009,2011,2013-2022年度 林口長庚紀念醫院優良教學主治醫師




  1. Evaluating Clinical Educators' Competence in an East Asian Context: Who Values What? Frontiers in Medicine 2022,9:896822. Jenq CC, Ou LS, Tseng HM, Chao YP, Lin JR, Monrouxe LV.
  2. Longitudinal assessment of milestone development among internal medicine residents in Taiwan. Journal of Formosan Medical Association 2022,17:S0929-6646(22)00218-2. Sheng WH, Ho YL, Jenq CC, Chuang CL, Chen CY, Tsai MJ, Yang YS, Wu MS, Chang SC.
  3. A scoping review of clinical reasoning research with Asian healthcare professionalsAdvances in Health Sciences Education 2021,26(5):1555-79. Lee CY, Jenq CC, Chandratilake M, Chen J, Chen MM, Nishigori H, Wajid G, Yang PH, Yusoff MSB, Monrouxe L.
  4. How does narrative medicine impact medical trainees’ learning of professionalism? A qualitative study. BMC Medical Education 2021,21:391-8. Huang CD, Jenq CCLiao KC, Lii SC, Huang CH, Wang TY.
  5. Active learning of medical students in Taiwan: a realist evaluation. BMC Medical Education 2020,20:487-94. Huang CD, Tseng HM, Jenq CC, Ou LS.
  6. Academic outcomes of flipped classroom learning: a meta-analysis. Medical Education 2018,52(9):910-24Chen KSMonrouxe LLu YHJenq CCChang YJChang YCChai PY.
  7. Medical record review for faculty promotion: A cohort analysis. Biomedical Journal 2015, 38(5):456-61. Huang CD, Jenq CC, Ou LS, Chen AC, Chan SH, Huang JL, Yeh SJ, Lee ST.
  8. 麻州總醫院內科手冊(Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine Seventh Edition)第七版 Marc S. Sabatine 原著;鄭昌錡 編譯 臺北市:合記 2022
  9. 學習臨床推理 第二版(Translation of “Learning Clinical Reasoning Second edition”). Jerome Kassirer原著;鄭昌錡等編譯 臺北市:金名2017
  10. 麻州總醫院內科手冊(Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine Fourth Edition)第五版 Marc S. Sabatine 原著;鄭昌錡 編譯 臺北市:台灣沃特庫爾 2016
  11. 麻州總醫院內科手冊(Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine Fourth Edition)第四版 Marc S. Sabatine 原著;鄭昌錡等 編譯 臺北市:合記 2013
  12. 臨床能力評量指引 第二版 李石增 鄭昌錡等原著 臺北市:台灣愛思唯爾 2013
  13. 客觀結構式臨床測驗 從基礎建立到執行與品質監測 第二版 李石增 鄭昌錡等原著 臺北市:台灣愛思唯爾2012
  14. OSCE實例的運用與剖析 李石增 鄭昌錡等原著 臺北市:台灣愛思唯爾 2011
  15. 臨床能力評量指引 李石增 鄭昌錡 等原著 臺北市:台灣愛思唯爾 2011
  16. 如何精熟高階OSCE考試 李石增 鄭昌錡等原著 臺北市:台灣愛思唯爾 2011
  17. 客觀結構式臨床測驗 從基礎建立到執行與品質監測 李石增 鄭昌錡等原著 臺北市:台灣愛思唯爾 2010
  18. 腎臟學秘笈(Nephrology Secrets) /Donald E. Hricik, John R. Sedor, Michael B. Ganz 原著鄭昌錡 編譯 臺北市:合記 2004


1. Applying video-reflexivity for learning clinical reasoning during oral case presentation. AMEE 2021 Aug (e-poster). Jenq CC, Tseng HM, Fu RH, Huang CD. 

2. Communicating and learning clinical reasoning in talk: an observation study in handovers of residents. AMEE 2020 Aug (e-poster). Jenq CC, Lin JR, Fu RH, Chang YC, Monrouxe LV, Tseng HM.

3. Applying Objective Structured Mentoring Encounters with Multisource Feedback (OSME-360) for Training Mentors. AMEE 2018 Aug (oral presentation). Jenq CC, Lin JR, Chao YP, Liao KC, Tseng HM, Monrouxe LV.

4. Mentor training, where shall we begin? A realistic evaluation study on preliminary results from focus group interviews. AMEE 2017, Aug (poster). Tseng ML, Jenq CC, Liao KC, Tseng HM, Yeh SJ, Monrouxe L.

5. Self-, peer-, and faculty-assessment in medical students’ oral case presentation: A multisource feedback study. AMEE 2016, Aug (poster)Jenq CCLien JM, Tseng HM, Tu KH, Fang JT, Yeh SJ.

6. The Construction of Multisource Assessment Framework for Clinical Medical Teachers – The Preliminary Data about the Assessment Priority of the Assessors from Different Sources. AMEE 2015, Sep (e-poster). Jenq CC, Ou LS, Lee ST, Tseng HM.

7. The “Oral Case Presentation Training Programme” for Medical Students -- Experience of the Largest Medical Center of Taiwan. AMEE 2014, Aug (poster). Jenq CCLien JM, Juan KC, Lin CY, Fang JT, Kuo HP, Yeh SJ, Ueng WN.

8. The “Elementary Kidney Ultrasound Teaching Programme” for medical students -- experience of the largest medical centre of Taiwan. AMEE 2013, Aug (e-poster). Jenq CCJuan KC, Lee CC, Hsu HH, Lin CY, Fang JT, Hung CC, Kuo HP, Yeh SJ, Ueng WN.

9. How to assess a medical student’s ACGME Competencies? - The correlation between seven assessment methods applied in clerkship in the largest internal medicine department in Taiwan. AMEE 2012, Aug (poster). Jenq CC, Liao KC, Lin CY, Fang JT, Kuo HP, Huang JL, Ueng WN.


  1. Association of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist vs Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor Use With Mortality Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. JAMA Network Open 2022,5(3):e221169. Chen JJ, Wu CY, Jenq CC, Lee TH, Tsai CY, Tu HT, Huang YT, Yen CL, Yen TH, Chen YC, Tian YC, Yang CW, Yang HY.
  2. Delayed Fever and Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Urinary Tract Infection. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020,9:3486-97. Lu KL, Hsiao CY, Wu CY, Yen CL, Tsai CY, Jenq CC, Lin HL, Huang YT, Yang HY.
  3. Pioglitazone Is Associated with Lower Major Adverse Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events than DPP4-Inhibitors in Diabetic Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Taiwan Nationwide Cohort Study, 2006–2016. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020,9:3578-90. Lin MH, Yang HY, Yen CL, Wu CY, Jenq CCKuo G, Peng WS, Liu JR, Tian YC, Yang CW, Anderson GF, See LC.
  4. Acute kidney disease and acute kidney injury biomarkers in coronary care unit patients. BMC Nephrology 2020,21:207-17. Chen YT, Jenq CC, Hsu CK, Yu YC, Chang CH, Fan PC, Pan HC, Wu IW, Cherng WJ, Chen YC.
  5. Effect of Anemia on Prognosis in Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Artificial Organs 2018, 47(2):705–13. Jenq CC, Tsai FC, Tsai TY, Hsieh SY, Lai YW, Tian Y C, Chang MY, Lin CY, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  6. The Effects of e-interventions on the Medical Outcomes of Hemodialysis Patients: A Retrospective Matched Patient Cohort StudyScientific Reports 2017,7(1):2985Jenq CC, Hung CC, Juan KC, Hsu KH.
  7. The unresolved problem of beta-2 microglobulin amyloid deposits in the intervertebral discs of long-term dialysis patients. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 2017,12(1):194. Tsai TT, Kaliya-Perumal AK, Jenq CC, Niu CC, Ho NYJ, Lee TY, Lai PL.
  8. Proteinuria can predict prognosis after liver transplantation. BMC surgery 2016,16(1):63-74. Pan HC, Chen YJ, Lin JP, Tsai MJ, Jenq CC, Lee WC, Tsai MH, Fan PC, Chang CH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.  
  9. Acute Kidney Injury Classification for Critically Ill Cirrhotic Patients: A Comparison of the KDIGO, AKIN, and RIFLE Classifications. Scientific reports 2016,6:23022-27. Pan HC, Chien YS, Jenq CC, Tsai MH, Fan PC, Chang CH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  10. Elevation of Interleukin-18 Correlates With Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular, and Peripheral Vascular Events: A Cohort Study of Hemodialysis Patients. Medicine 2015,94(42):e1836. Chang CH, Fan PC, Lin CY, Yang CH, Chen YT, Chang SW, Yang HY, Jenq CC, Hung CC, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  1. Proteinuria Can Predict Short-term Prognosis in Critically Ill Cirrhotic Patients. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2014,48(4):377-82. Lin LY, Jenq CC, Liu CS, Huang CS, Fan PC, Chang CH, Lee SY, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Tsai MH, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  2. Scoring systems for 6-month mortality in critically ill cirrhotic patients: a prospective analysis of chronic liver failure - sequential organ failure assessment score (CLIF-SOFA). Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2014,40(9):1056-65. Pan HC, Chien YS, Jenq CC, Tsai MH, Fan PC, Chang CH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  3. Scoring Systems for Predicting Mortality After Liver Transplantation. PLoS ONE 2014,9(9):e107138. Pan HC, Jenq CC, Lee WC, Tsai MH, Fan PC, Chang CH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  4. Prognosis of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: the impact of urine output on mortality. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2014,97(6):1939-44. Hsiao CC, Chang CH, Fan PC, Ho HT, Jenq CC, Kao KC, Chiu LC, Lee SY, Hsu HH, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Tsai FC, Chen YC.
  5. Novel PKD1 and PKD2 mutations in Taiwanese patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Journal of Human Genetics 2013,58(11):720-727. Chang MY. Chen HM, Jenq CC, Lee SY, Chen YM, Tian YC, Chen YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Wu-Chou YH.
  6. Serum interleukin-18 at commencement of renal replacement therapy predicts short-term prognosis in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury. PLoS ONE 2013,8(5):e66028. Lin CY. Chang CH, Fan PC, Tian YC, Chang MY, Jenq CC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  7. Acute renal failure in cirrhotic patients with severe sepsis: value of urinary interleukin-18. Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2013,28(1):135-41. Tsai MH, Chen YC, Yang CW, Jenq CC, Fang JT, Lien JM, Hung CC. Weng HH, Wu CS, Peng YS. Shen CH, Tung SY, Tian YC.
  8. Risk models and scoring systems for predicting the prognosis in critically ill cirrhotic patients with acute kidney injury: a prospective validation study. PLoS ONE 2012,7(12):e51094. Pan HC, Jenq CC, Tsai MH, Fan PC, Chang CH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  9. Predictors of mortality in patients successfully weaned from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLoS ONE 2012,7(8):e42687. Chang WW, Tsai FC, Tsai TY, Chang CH, Jenq CC, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  10. Predictive value of acute kidney injury in medical intensive care patients with sepsis originating from different infection sites. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2012, 344(2):83-9. Fan PC, Chang CH, Tsai MH, Lin SM, Jenq CC, Hsu HH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  11. Acute kidney injury biomarkers for patients in a coronary care unit: a prospective cohort study. PLoS ONE 2012,7(2):e32328. Chen TH, Chang CH, Lin CY, Jenq CC, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Wen MS, Lin FC, Chen YC.
  12. Outcome scoring systems for short-term prognosis in critically ill cirrhotic patients. Shock 2011,36(5):445-50. Tu KH, Jenq CC, Tsai MH, Hsu HH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Chen YC.
  13. Prognosis of patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: the impact of acute kidney injury on mortality. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2011,91(1):137-42. Chen YC, Tsai FC, Chang CH, Lin CY, Jenq CC, Juan KC, Hsu HH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Hung CC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  1. Serum sodium predicts prognosis in critically ill cirrhotic patients. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2010,44(3):220-6. Jenq CC, Tsai MH, Tian YC, Chang MY, Lin CY, Lien JM, Chen YC, Fang JT, Chen PC, Yang CW.
  2. Outcome scoring systems for acute respiratory distress syndrome. Shock 2010,34(4):352-7. Lin CY, Kao KC, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Chang MY, Chen YC, Fang JT, Huang CC, Tsai YH, Yang CW.
  3. Acute kidney injury classification: comparison of AKIN and RIFLE criteria. Shock 2010, 33(3):247-52. Chang CH, Lin CY, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Chang MY, Chen YC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  4. Scoring short-term mortality after liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2010,16:138-46. Wong CS, Lee WC, Jenq CC, Tian YC, Chang MY, Lin CY, Fang JT, Yang CW, Tsai MH, Shih HC, Chen YC.
  5. Serum immunoglobulin E can predict minimal change disease before renal biopsy. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2009,338(4):264-7. Shao YN, Chen YC, Jenq CC, Hsu HH, Chang MY, Tian YC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  1. The RIFLE score increases the accuracy of outcome prediction in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome undergoing open lung biopsy. Respiration 2009,77(4):398-406. Lin CY, Kao KC, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Chang MY, Chen YC, Fang JT, Huang CC, Tsai YH, Yang CW.
  2. Adult-onset perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive Henoch-Schonlein purpura in diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Nephrology 2009,22(1):164-70. Hong SM, Chen YC, Hsueh S, Jenq CC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Tian YC.
  3. Serum Sodium Prredicts Prognosis In Liver Transplant Patietns. Acta Nephrologica 2009, 23:164-70. Lu YH, Lee WC, Wong CS, Jenq CC, Tian YC, Chang MY, Lin CY, Chen YC, Fang JT, Yang CW
  1. Serum ferritin levels predict all-cause and infection-cause 1-year mortality in diabetic patients on maintenance hemodialysis. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2009,337(3):188-94. Jenq CC, Hsu CW, Huang WH, Chen KH, Lin JL, Lin-Tan DT.
  2. 10. Effectiveness of oral and intravenous iron therapy in haemodialysis patients. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2008,62(3):416-22. Jenq CC, Tian YC, Wu HH, Hsu PY, Huang JY, Chen YC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  3. RIFLE classification for predicting in-hospital mortality in critically ill sepsis patients. Shock 2008,31(12):139-45. Chen YC, Jenq CC, Tian YC, Chang MY, Lin CY, Chang CC, Lin HC, Fang JT, Yang CW, Lin SM.
  4. Continuous renal replacement therapy combined with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in advanced cardiac failure patients. Journal of Nephrology 2008,21(5):789-92. Lin CY, Chen YC, Tsai FC, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Huang CC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  5. Outcome predictors and new score of critically ill cirrhotic patients with acute renal failure. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2008,23(6):1961-9. Fang JT, Tsai MH, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Lin CY, Chen YC, Lien JM, Chen PC, Yang CW.
  6. Blood lead levels, malnutrition, inflammation, and mortality in patients with diabetes treated by long-term hemodialysis. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2008,51(1):107-15. Lin JL, Lin-Tan DT, Yen TH, Hsu CW, Jenq CC, Chen KH, Hsu KH, Huang YL.
  7. Evaluation of outcome scoring systems for patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2007,84(4):1256-62. Lin CY, Tsai FC, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Chen YC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  1. A giant sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2007, 22(3):952-3. Wu MY, Liaw CC, Chen YC, Tian YC, Hsueh S, Jenq CC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  2. A giant sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2007, 22(3):952-3. Wu MY, Liaw CC, Chen YC, Tian YC, Hsueh S, Jenq CC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  1. RIFLE classification can predict short-term prognosis in critically ill cirrhotic patients. Intensive Care Medicine 2007,33(11):1921-30. Jenq CC, Tsai MH, Tian YC, Lin CY, Yang CY, Liu NJ, Lien JM, Chen YC*, Fang JT, Chen PC, Yang CW.
  2. 12. Type B aortic dissection with early presentation mimicking acute pyelonephritis. Journal of Nephrology 2006,19:341-5. Jenq CC, Chen YC, Huang JY, Wu CH, Yeh CN, Yeh CH, Tseng JH, Hsu PY, Tian YC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  3. RIFLE classification is predictive of short-term prognosis in critically ill patients with acute renal failure supported by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2006,21(10):2867-73. Lin CY, Chen YC, Tsai FC, Tian YC, Jenq CC, Fang JT, Yang CW.
  4. Mother and fetus both survival from severe paraquat intoxication. Clinical Toxicology 2005,43(4):291-5. Jenq CC, Wu CD, Lin JL.

















































