林姸如 教授 (Professor Blossom Yen-Ju Lin, PhD)
長庚大學 醫學系 人文及社會醫學科 教授
- 校址:33302桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
- 電話:(03)211-8800 (分機3849)
- 研究室位址:長庚大學第二醫學大樓四樓
- 電郵:yenju1115@hotmail.com; byjlin@mail.cgu.edu.tw; md.education.blin@gmail.com (調查研究專用)
- 1996.08-1999.07,美國維吉尼亞聯邦州立大學-維吉尼亞醫學院 (VCU-MCV) 醫務管理研究所「健康服務組織與研究(Health Services Organization and Research)」博士
- 1993.08-1995.07,臺灣大學醫學院生化學研究所碩士
- 1988.08-1993.07,中國醫藥學院藥學系藥學學士
- 2018.08 – 至今,教授,長庚大學醫學系人文及社會醫學科
- 2017.08 – 2018.07,教授(合聘),中國醫藥大學通識教育中心
- 2016.08 – 2018.07,教授(合聘),中國醫藥大學生物醫學研究所臨床醫學組
- 2014.08 – 2018.07,教授,中國醫藥大學醫學系社會醫學科
- 2011.02 – 2014.07,教授,中國醫藥大學醫務管理學系
- 2008.02 – 2011.01,副教授,中國醫藥大學醫務管理學系
- 2002.08 – 2008.01,助理教授,中國醫藥大學醫務管理學系
- 1999.08 – 2002.07,助理教授,長榮大學醫務管理學系
醫療組織理論與設計、醫療組織行為、健康照護服務研究(health services research, HSR)、社會科學研究法
- 112學年度推動性別平等教育績優人員 (課程、研究類) (2024.09)
- 113年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 (2024.08-2025.07)
- 112年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 (2023.08-2024.07)
- 112年度長庚大學校級優良教師教學獎 (2023.08)
- 112年度長庚大學醫學院優良教師教學獎(基礎醫學類) (2023.07)
- 111年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 (2022.08-2023.07)
- 110年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 (2021.08-2022.07)
- 109學年度長庚大學推動性別平等教育績優人員 (課程、研究類) (2021.11)
- 109年度台灣醫學教育學會研究獎 (2020.10.17)
- 109年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 (2020.08-2021.07)
- 105年教育部青年發展署服務學習獎勵計畫大專校院組績優教師(全國五名) (2016.11)
- 104學年度中國醫藥大學優良教材優良獎-醫務管理學概論(醫學生版) (2016.07)
- 104學年度中國醫藥大學優良教材傑出獎-醫療組織整合與管理(五南出版社) (2016.07)
- 103學年度中國醫藥大學醫學院教學優良暨教學創新教師 (2015.11)
- 101學年度中國醫藥大學公衛學院教學優良暨教學創新教師
- 國科會生物處優秀年輕學者專題研究計畫獎助 (2014.08.01-2017.07.31)
- 國科會人文處優秀年輕學者專題研究計畫獎助 (2011.08.01-2014.07.31)
- Who’s Who 2009, 2010 name list
- 2008莊逸洲基金會第一屆兩岸醫管論文銀獎
- 89學年度國科會甲種研究獎勵獎
BMC Medical Education, Guest Editor for Special Collection- Promoting Health and Well-being in Lifelong Medical Education. 2023.08~ (2023 JCR, SSCI, SCI, Q1 Journal)
- Health Care Management Review (HCMR) Editorial Advisory Board Member, 2021.09 – 2024.08 (2023 JCR, SSCI, Q3 Journal)
- BMC Medical Education/Senior Editorial Board Member, 2022.05.02 – 至今 (2023 JCR, SSCI, SCI, Q1 Journal)
- BMC Medical Education, Associate Editor (Editorial Board Member) at the section of Assessment and evaluation of admissions, knowledge, skills and attitudes., 2018.08.01-2022.05.01
- 衛福部重點培育科別公費生輔導老師,2019.08 – 至今
- 教育部「多元升等審查人才庫」專家人才,2019 – 至今
- 教育部教學實踐研究計畫初審查委員,2018 – 至今
- 108年公務人員高等考試三級考試暨普通考試,考選部高普考試司命題兼閱卷委員
- 中國醫藥大學教師發展中心主任、校務研究辦公室主任,105學年 (2016-2017)
- 全國公私立醫學校院醫學教育類教師升等外審委員,2015 – 至今
- 臺灣醫務管理期刊,副主編輯,2012.12– 2015.12
- 組織與管理『醫務管理』專刊客座編輯,2009 – 2012
- 國科會生物處公衛及環境醫學學科專題研究計畫審查委員(複審委員),2013
- 國科會生物處基礎醫學組-護理學門專題研究計畫審查委員(公正學者),2014
- 科技部人文處管理一醫務管理學門專題研究計畫審查委員(初審委員,2003, 2005-2007,2009-至今;申覆委員2011、2015;複審委員2012-2014;傑出研究獎遴選委員2015)
- 科技部醫學教育學門計畫成果討論會口頭報告評審委員 (2019.10.19)
- 國際學術期刊論文審查者:Advances in Health Sciences Education (AHSE)(SSCI Journal), BMC Health Services Research (SCI journal), BMC Medical Education (SCI, SSCI journal), BMJ Open (SCI journal), Ergonomics (SCI & SSCI Journal), Health Care Management Review (SSCI Journal), Health Policy (SSCI journal), Health and Quality of Life Outcome (SCI journal), International Journal of Nursing Studies (SSCI journal), Journal of Medical System (SCI journal), Medical Education (SSCI journal), Medical Teacher (SCI journal), Social Science & Medicine (SSCI journal), Teaching and Learning in Medicine (SCI journal), etc. <依期刊字母順序排列>
- 擔任國內學術期刊論文審查者:中山管理評論、中台灣雜誌、中州健康與照顧科學學刊、台灣衛誌、長庚科技學刊、長榮大學學報、健康與社會、教育心理學報、教學實踐研究期刊、產業與管理論壇、醫務管理雜誌、醫務管理雜誌、醫護科技學刊、臺大管理論叢等 <依期刊筆畫順序排列>
- 臺灣大學行為社會科學研究倫理評議委員會委員,2021.08.01 – 2025.07.31
- 教育部「大專校院研究倫理審查委員會查核作業計畫」查核委員,2013 – 至今
- 教育部「大專校院研究倫理審查委員會查核作業計畫」諮議委員,2022 – 2024.07.31
- 彰化師範大學研究倫理審查委員會審查委員,2013.02 –2015.01
- 中國醫藥大學暨附設醫院研究倫理審查委員會(IRB)社會科學與行為類審查委員,2011.07 – 2018.06
- 106~109年、113年教育部大專校院學生能力與評量平臺推動與管理計畫(UCAN)專家諮詢
- 105年「醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫」中區醫療區域聯繫會顧問專家
- 藥師公會全聯會藥事照護委員會顧問,2014 – 2016
- 衛生福利部豐原醫院醫學倫理委員會委員,2014 – 2015
- 台中市政府衛生局。中區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫「輔導醫院成立醫療糾紛關懷小組」工作推動小組暨實地輔導訪查委員/顧問,2013 – 2015
- 98年中央健康保險局中區分局同仁自行研究輔導老師
- 行政院衛生署補助地方政府─台中縣衛生局「 由醫藥合作提昇藥事服務品質」計畫學術指導,2007 – 2008
- 台中縣衛生局藥事提升計畫學術指導,2007
- 行政院衛生署臺中醫院藥局專案研究指導,2000-2005
- 漢康資訊科技公司-中榮院內承接計畫「資訊化平衡計分卡之績效模式建立」學術顧問,2003.07 – 2003.12
- 新豐藥廠品管學術藥師/主任,1996.02 – 1996.06
一、期刊論文 *通訊作者
- Lin YK, Lin CD, *Lin BYJ. Junior doctors’ well-being and the determinants based on ability–motivation–opportunity (AMO) theory: educational and managerial implications from a three-year longitudinal observation after graduation. Medical Teacher. 2025; 47(1):110-125. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2024.2322719. Published online: 09 Mar 2024. (SCI)
- Lin YK, *Lin BYJ. Coronavirus pandemic derived demands and inclusive leadership on junior doctors’ well-being. Occupational Medicine. 2024; 74(8): 589–595. https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqae081. Published online: 20 September 2024. (SCI)
- Lin YK, Lin CD, Chen DY, *Lin BYJ. Effects of grit on medical students' well-being during clerkships: A longitudinal observational cohort study. Frontiers in Medicine. (Sec. Healthcare Professions Education). 2024 May 30; 11:1331402. (SCI)
- 張傳慧、黃銘章、喬友慶、林妍如,醫院血液透析業務採行之策略型態與績效間關係之探討:競爭強度的干擾角色。臺大管理論叢,2022,第32卷第3期,頁155-186 (TSSCI)
- *林姸如。有故事的研究:跨領域研究的轉譯共好—從社會科學與行為實證研究探索醫學生的學醫路。國科會人文及社會科學研究發展處,人文與社會科學簡訊,2022年9月,23卷4期,頁103-109。【邀稿】【免費下載網址:https://www.nstc.gov.tw/nstc/attachments/5444e56f-4117-4cb2-82c4-75b86a5c5738】
- Lin YK, *Lin BYJ, Lin CD, Chen DY. Relationship between medical students’ negative perceptions of colleagues’ work–life and burnout during clerkships: a longitudinal observational cohort study. BMJ Open. 2021 Oct 07;11:e049672. (SCI)
- Yang YS, Liu PC, Lin YK, Lin CD, Chen DY, *Lin BYJ. Medical students’ preclinical service-learning experience and its effects on empathy in clinical training. BMC Medical Education. 2021 May 26; 21:301. (SSCI)(SCI)
- Lin YK, *Lin BYJ, Chen DY. Do teaching strategies matter? The relationships between various teaching strategies and medical students’ well-being during clinical workplace training. Medical Teacher. 2020 Jan;42(1):39-45. (SCI) 【台灣醫學教育學會109年度研究獎論文】
- Lin YK, Lin CD, *Lin BYJ, Chen DY. Medical students’ resilience: a protective role on stress and quality of life in clerkship. BMC Medical Education. 2019 Dec 27; 19:473(SSCI)(SCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Liu PC, Ku KT, Lee CC. Adaptation of medical students during clinical training: Effects of holistic preclinical education on clerkship performance. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2019 Jan-Mar;31(1):65-75. [Epub 2018 Dec 7.] (SCI)
- Lin YK, Chen DY, *Lin BYJ. Determinants and effects of medical students' core self-evaluation tendencies on clinical competence and workplace well-being in clerkship. PLoS ONE. 2017 Nov 29;12(11): e0188651. (SCI)
- *林姸如。社區導向研究可以作為服務學習課程設計的依據嗎?(文獻導讀:導讀文獻:Stoecke R, Loving K, Reddy M, Bollig N. Can community-based research guide service learning? Journal of Community Practice. 2010;18 (2-3):280-296) 台灣服務學習學會電子報,第八期,2017.04。【邀稿】
- *林姸如。服務學習與教師發展:以教師專長為導向之服務、教學與研究整合職涯發展。台灣服務學習學會電子報,第八期,2017.04。【邀稿】
- *林姸如等人。學生學習成效評估,以規劃及發展醫學系核心能力評量為例。連結教學:UCAN 可以這樣用。教育部、工業技術研究院UCAN辦公室。2016.06。【邀稿】
- Cheng KC, Lee TL, Lin YJ, Liua CS, Lin CC, *Lai SW. Facility evaluation of resigned hospital physicians: managerial implications for hospital physician manpower. Biomedicine (Taipei). 2016 Dec;6(4):23. [Epub 2016 Nov 17].
- Lin CD, *Lin BYJ. Training demands on clerk burnout: determining whether achievement goal motivation orientations matter. BMC Medical Education. 2016 Aug 22;16(1):214. (SSCI)(SCI)
- Lin CC, *Lin BYJ, Lin CD. Influence of clerks’ personality on their burnout in the clinical workplace: a longitudinal observation. BMC Medical Education. 2016 Jan 28;16:30. (SSCI)(SCI)
- Lin CD, *Lin BYJ, *Lin CC, Lee CC. Redesigning a Clinical Mentoring Program for Improved Outcomes in the Clinical Training of Clerks. Medical Education Online. 2015 Sep 16;20:28327. (SSCI)
- *Wan TTH, Demachkie MM, Ortiz J, Lin BYJ. Willingness to participate in accountable care organization: healthcare managers’ perspective. The Health Care Manager. 2014 Jan-Mar;33(1):64-74.
- Huang HL, Li YCJ, Chou YC, Hsieh YW, Kuo F, Tsai WC, Chai SD, Lin BYJ, Kung PT, Chuang CJ. Effects of and satisfaction with short message service reminders for patient medication adherence: a randomized controlled study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2013 Nov 16;13:127. (SCI)
- Chen W, Shiao WB, *Lin BYJ, Lin CC. Urban and rural married Asian immigrants in Taiwan: Determinants of their physical and mental health. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2013 Dec;15(6):1038-47. (SSCI)
- Lin BYJ, Lin YK, *Lin CC, Lin TT. Job autonomy, its predispositions and its relation to work outcomes in community health centers in Taiwan. Health Promotion International. 2013 Jun;28(2):166-77. [Epub 2011 Dec 26] (SSCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Huang LH, Lin YK, Fuh LJ, Lee S, Chen E, Lin CC. Factors related to the chemical substance use of physicians, pharmacists, and nurses in Taiwan. International Journal of Public Policy. 2013;9(4/5/6), 416–434.
- Lin BYJ, Lin YK, Juan CW, Lee S, *Lin CC. Moderating role of interior amenities on hospital medical directors’ patient-related work stresses. HERD Journal: Health Environments Research and Design Journal. 2013 Winter;6(2):77-92. (SSCI)
- Lin BYJ, Wan TTH, Hsu CPC, Hung FR, Juan CW, *Lin CC. Relationships of hospital-based emergency department culture to work satisfaction and intent to leave of emergency physicians and nurses. Health Services Management Research. 2012;25(2), 68–77. (國科會管理一學門醫務管理領域推薦學術期刊)
- 林義龍、*林姸如。藥事人員跨機構支援意向之調查研究。臺灣醫界。2012,55(11),頁36-40。
- Cheng CY, Lin BYJ, Chang KH, Shu KH, *Wu MJ. Awareness of memory impairment increases the adherence to immunosuppressants in kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings. 2012 Apr;44(3):746-8. (SCI)
- Lin YK, Chen CP, Tsai WC, Chiao YC, *Lin BYJ. Cost-effectiveness of clinical pathway in coronary artery bypass surgery. Journal of Medical Systems. 2011 Apr;35(2):203-13. [Epub 2009 Aug 13] (SCI)
- Lin BYJ, Hsu CPC, Juan CW, *Lin CC, Lin HJ, Chen JC. The role of leader behaviors in hospital-based emergency departments' unit performance and employee work satisfaction. Social Science & Medicine. 2011 Jan;72(2):238-46. [Epub 2010 Nov 20]. (SSCI)
- Huang LH, Yeh SF, Chen E, *Lin BYJ. Evaluation and Treatment of Medication-related Problems in a Long Term Care Facility. The Journal of Long-term Care. 2010;14(3): 277-291 (in Chinese)
- *Lin BYJ. Exploratory study for medical professionals’ controlled drug uses: implications from managerial and health policy perspectives. Controlled Drug Report. 2010;45:1-3. (invited article in Chinese)
- *Wang BBL, Wan TTH, Shi SF, Lin BYJ. Has Managed Care Affected Physicians’ Income? International Journal of Public Policy. 2010;6( 3/4):237-246.
- *Lin BYJ, Lin YK, Lin CC. Partnership effectiveness in primary community care networks (PCCNs): A national empirical analysis of partners' coordination infrastructure designs. Health Care Management Review. 2010 Jul-Sep;35(3):224-34. (SSCI)
- Liau CY, Lin CC, Lin YK, *Lin BYJ. Partnership disengagement from primary community care networks (PCCNs): a qualitative study for a national demonstration project. BMC Health Services Research. 2010 Apr 2;10:87. (SCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Hsu CPC, Lee CH, Chao MC. Patient satisfaction in hospital-based emergency departments: recommendation for healthcare management and policy. International Journal of Public Policy. 2010;5(2/3):179-193.
- *Lin BYJ, Yeh YC, Lin WH. Job design and psychological status of Taiwanese pharmacists on job outcomes: an application of job characteristics model. International Journal of Public Policy. 2010;5(2/3):276-293.
- *Lin BYJ, Lin CC, Lin YK. Patient satisfaction evaluations in different clinic care models: care stratification under a national demonstration project. Health & Place. 2010 Jan;16(1):85-92. [Epub 2009 Sep 6]. (SSCI)
- Yeh YC, *Lin BYJ, Lin WH, Wan TTH. Job stress: its relationship to hospital pharmacists’ insomnia and work outcomes. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2010 Jun;17(2):143-53. (SSCI)
- Luh SP, Chen CJ, Lin YR, *Yu MN. A Study of the Personal Traits and Knowledge Base of Taiwanese Medical Students on the Instruction Effects of Problem-based Learning. Psychological Testing. 2008;55(2):435-462 (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Hsu CPC, Chao MC, Luh SP, Hung SW, Breen GM. Physician and nurse job climates in hospital-based emergency departments in Taiwan: management and implications. Journal of Medical Systems. 2008 Aug;32(4):269-81. (SCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Leu WJ, Breen GM, Lin WH. Servicescape: physical environment of hospital pharmacies and hospital pharmacists' work outcomes. Health Care Management Review. 2008 Apr-Jun;33(2):156-68. (SSCI)【2008莊逸洲基金會優秀論文獎銀獎】
- Juan CW, *Chen JC, Lin HJ, Lin BYJ, Lin L, Lin YP, Chen HC. Taiwan’s emergency physician manpower resources and distribution study. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Taiwan. 2007;9(1):S26-S34 (in Chinese) (TSCI)
- Tsai CY, Wang MC, Liao WT, Lu JH, Sun PH, *Lin BYJ, Breen GM. Hospital outpatient perceptions of the physical environment of waiting areas: the role of patient characteristics on atmospherics in one academic medical center. BMC Health Services Research. 2007 Dec 5;7:198. (SCI)
- Luh SP, Yu MN, Lin YR, Chou MJ, Chou MC, Chen JY. A study on the personal traits and knowledge base of Taiwanese medical students following problem-based learning instructions. Annals of the Academy Medicine, Singapore. 2007 Sep;36(9):743-50. (SCI)
- *Lin BYJ. Integration in primary community care networks (PCCNs): examination of governance, clinical, marketing, financial, and information infrastructures in a national demonstration project in Taiwan. BMC Health Services Research. 2007 Jun 19;7:90. (SCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Yeh YC, Lin WH. The influence of job characteristics on job outcomes of pharmacists in hospital, clinic, and community pharmacies in Taiwan. Journal of Medical Systems. 2007 Jun;31(3):224-9. (SCI)
- *Lin BYJ, Luh SP, Lee CH. The effect of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance program on hospital physician perceptions of their careers ten years after implementation – a survey study. International Journal of Public Policy. 2007;2(3/4):264–280.
- *Lin BYJ, Chao TH, Yao Y, Tu SM, Wu CC, Chern JY, Chao SH, Shaw KY. How can activity-based costing methodology be performed as a powerful tool to calculate costs and secure appropriate patient care? Journal of Medical Systems. 2007 Apr;31(2):85-90. (SCI)
- *Wang BB, Wan TTH, Burke DE, Bazzoli GJ, Lin BYJ. Factors influencing health information system adoption in American hospitals. Health Care Management Review. 2005 Jan-Mar;30(1):44-51. (SSCI)
- *Luh SP, Lin YR, Chen JY, Chou MJ. Scoring principles in a test: the item response theory. Medical Education. 2005;9(3):278-281 (in Chinese) (TSCI)
- Luh SP, *Lin YR, Chen JY. Content Validity and Factor Analysis of the Peer Evaluation Sheet for Problem Based Learning Performance. Medical Education. 2005;9(20):138-148 (in Chinese) (TSCI)
- Luh SP, *Lin BYJ. Relationship of Taiwan health care industry and the insures: analysis based on medical economic and game theories. Taiwan Medical Journal. 2005;48(3):44-49 (in Chinese)
- Luh SP, Lin YR, Lin CS, Lee MC, Chen JY. Teaching tips: the students' and tutor's role in problem-based learning. Medical Education. 2004;8(3):358-362 (in Chinese)(TSCI)
- *Wan TTH, Lin BYJ, Wang BBL. The effects of care management effectiveness and practice autonomy on physicians’ practice and career satisfaction. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 2004;25:3-44
- *Wan TTH, Lin BYJ. Social Capital, Health Status, and Health Services Use among Older Women in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 2003;21:163-180
- *Wan TTH, Lin BYJ, Ma A, Allison R. Integration mechanisms and efficiency in integrated healthcare delivery systems. Journal of Medical Systems. 2002 Apr;26(2):127-43. (SCI)
- *Wan TTH, Ma MS, Lin BYJ. Integration and the performance of healthcare networks: do integration strategies enhance efficiency, profitability, and image? International Journal of Integrated Care. 2001;1:e39. (SCI)(SSCI)
- Lin YJ, *Wan TTH. The effect of organizational and environmental factors on integrated healthcare networks’ service differentiation strategy. Health Services Management Research. 2001 Feb;14(1):18-26. (國科會管理一醫務管理領域推薦學術期刊)
- Lin BYJ, *Wan TTH. Analysis of integrated healthcare networks' performance: a contingency-strategic management perspective. Journal of Medical Systems. 1999 Dec;23(6):467-85. (SCI)
- 【專訪】實習醫學生,你累了嗎?長庚林妍如從「復原力」談臨床訓練的職場適應。採訪撰稿、編輯/黃詩茹,攝影/汪正翔,國科會人文處/人文·島嶼【知識專欄】,2022年9月14日。https://humanityisland.nccu.edu.tw/blossom-yen-ju-lin/
- 【專書翻譯】林妍如、陳金淵譯。療癒環境:設計符合身、心、靈的就醫環境(2版)。(原著:Barbara J. Huelat, Healing environments: design for the body, mind, & spirit.) 五南圖書出版股份有限公司。ISBN:9789577636157。2019年10月。【一版,ISBN: 978-957-11-4601-0。2007年2月】
- 【專書】林姸如,醫療組織整合與管理:整合性照護之實踐(2版)。五南圖書出版股份有限公司。ISBN:9789571181448。2015/06/11 [中國醫藥大學104學年度優良教材傑出獎] 【一版,ISBN: 978-957-11-4617-1,2007年2月】【初版,健康照護組織之價值創造:整合性照護之基本概念與設計入門。雙葉書廊有限公司,ISSN: 957-8555-87-3,2003年12月】
- 【教材】林姸如(總編輯)。看見●原鄉服務學習篇。中國醫藥大學偏鄉巡禮文化能力養成計畫執行辦公室。2017.07。
- 【專訪】青年封面故事:105年教育部青年發展署服務學習獎勵計畫績優教師─中國醫藥大學林妍如教授。國立教育廣播電台,青年故事館,2017.05.30,23:00。【宣傳片:https://youtu.be/mPYgaMIsTd0】
- 【專訪】幸福銀髮讚- 2016.08.23 – IDS 原鄉杏服學生關懷。受訪教師:林妍如。 大愛一臺首播:08/24(三) 14:30。大愛二臺首播:08/23(二) 12:30。重播:08/23(二) 17:00/23:50;08/24(三) 05:00;08/25(四) 02:10【宣傳片https://youtu.be/ZLQ1nOB7xxU】
- 【影音品】*林姸如。實證校園文化推廣動畫。中國醫藥大學教學卓越辦公室,2015.12.10
- 【專書論文】*Lin BYJ, Yeh YC, Lin WH. Hospital pharmacists’ job stresses: managerial recommendation for professional work health. In: Rachel V. Schwartzhoffer, ed., Psychology of Burnout: Predictors and Coping Mechanisms. NOVA, New York, USA. 2010.02. (Book Chapter). ISBN: 978-1-60876-010-7
- 【專書論文】*Lin BYJ, Wan TTH. (2008). Social capital and partnership opportunities: management implication in integrated healthcare networks. In Leonie A. Klein and Emily L. Neumann, Integrated Healthcare Delivery. NOVA, New York, USA. (Book Chapter). ISBN: 978-1-60456-851-6
- 【專書翻譯】林妍如、陳金淵譯。健康照護機構財務管理:基本工具、概念和應用入門。(原著:Financial management of health care organizations: an Introduction to fundamental tolls, concepts, and applications.),雙葉書廊有限公司。ISBN: 986-7433-45-9【2002年一版,2006年二版】
**停開課程:醫療社會學(舊課綱課程已於109學年起停開設)、生命科學研究(本研究室自113學年起不提供該課程學生進行研究室選修) |
醫學系(長庚大學) |