



講者: 林英嘉 國立成功大學資訊工程學系  博士

時間: 2024/10/15 ()  14:10-16:00

地點: 管理大樓11-AI講堂

直播連結: https://gqr.sh/NU8B


Dr. Ying-Jia Lin is a postdoctoral researcher at National Tsing Hua University. He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Cheng Kung University in 2024. Prior to that, he obtained his MS from the Institute of Biomedical Informatics at National Yang-Ming University in 2019 and his BS in Biomedical Sciences from Chang Gung University in 2017. His current research focuses on text summarization, model compression, and BioNLP. Ying-Jia Lin has published in top AI/NLP conferences, such as AAAI, EMNLP, and AACL. He is an honorary member of the Phi Tau Phi Society, and he won two Best Paper Awards at TAAI in 2022 and 2019.


本次演講將探討自然語言處理 (NLP) 的演進,從詞嵌入的基礎概念到像 GPT 這樣的大型語言模型的出現。在第一部分,我們將回顧 NLP 的歷史,強調引領該領域發展至今的關鍵進展。第二部分我們審視 GPT 是否真正解決了自然語言生成任務,此部分將以文本摘要為例進行探討。接著我們將討論 GPT 模型中內在的架構問題,如減少記憶體用量的議題,並深入探討其知識上的限制,特別是在 GPT 應用於醫學文本報告時,是否採用 Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) 的做法。本次演講旨在提供對 NLP 發展和剩餘挑戰的洞見,並對未來方向和前景提出觀點。

